<p>My SAT is only a 1600 and my GPA is 3.61 so far. After senior year it should be a 3.7 but sadly colleges can't take that into consideration. I've been heavily involved in school leadership and have been in varsity cheer for 4 years.. Plus 2 AP's and an honors class- as well as a third year of foreign language and higher level math. </p>
<p>I feel like my stats aren't as competitive as other applicants for state universities. I plan on going to UW seattle and I feel discouraged lately. Do I have chances? </p>
<p>Anything would help!</p>
<p>You might want to retake the SAT and/or try the ACT because you’re at the bottom of their middle 50%. Don’t feel discouraged though. Your essays (provided they are written well) will help to make up for your GPA and scores if you can’t manage to get them up (:</p>
<p>Thanks! Anyone else??</p>
<p>I agree with nerdfighter. You might want to raise those SAT scores as much as possible. </p>
<p>Also, I’m confused, are you a senior?</p>
<p>Another thing, can you please elaborate on what your “school leaderships” are?</p>
<p>@aznguy97 Yes. i’m a senior. I’ve been chosen to be a link crew leader for 2 years as well as being in a leadership class for 4 years. I’m also in program at my school that promotes bullying awareness and I lead lessons to classes- (I’ll elaborate on my achievements section on the app). During my freshman year I was a student mentor in my junior high. I think I mentioned 4 years of a varsity sport already too. </p>
<p>Are you a Washington resident? That might help, but UW-Seattle has become more competitive recently. It’s probably a reach for you from in-state, and a huge reach from out-of-state. My son was waitlisted. His unweighted GPA was only 3.3-3.4, but he took the most rigorous courseload (full IB program, with additional APs, and Honors as underclassman), and so his weighted GPA was over 4.0. He had a 2060 SAT, 31 ACT, and an impressive resume of ECs and community service. We are from the East Coast.</p>
<p>Yes im in state… Ugh, this is all so unfortunate to hear because at my highschool we never have been told what IB is, and it’s been preferred not to take too many AP classes at once. I wish I would have just done running start because that would look so good on a college app. I’m a really good student in my opinion and I feel like my transcript isn’t able to show that besides the fact that I’ve aced the ap and honors classes so far. This is rough.
@woogzmama </p>
<p>I also has an improvement trend in my grades…</p>
<p>Also I’m a good writer from being in AP lang and getting an A in that class… So my essay should be very great by the time I’m done. I just need some tips on topics as well. For example, how do I know what types of topics they want to hear about? I know that many people use similar topics like their community service etc… So what usually stands out? </p>