Chances! Chances! Chances!.....Please

<p>Hi, i'm just looking to get chanced for:</p>

<p>Stanford, University of Chicago, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Penn, Berkeley</p>

<h2>Thanks in Advance!</h2>

<p>Ethnicity: Mexican/White (50/50)
First Generation College Student
California Resident</p>

<p>High School Rank: 1st out of about 400</p>

<p>GPA: Freshman Year Weighted/Unweighted: 4.0</p>

<pre><code> Sophomore Year (2 AP's) Unweighted: 4.0
Weighted: 4.5

Junior Year (5 AP's) Unweighted: 4.0
                         Weighted: 5.0

 Senior Year (4 AP's, 2 Community College Classes) Unweighted: 4.0
                          Weighted: 5.0


<p>(All Classes taken were the hardest offered)</p>

<p>AP Tests: US History: 5
American History: 5
Biology: 5
English Language: 5
Spanish Language: 5</p>

<p>SAT1: 2150
ACT: 33</p>

<p>Extracurricular: California Scholarship Federation (9-12)
200 Hours Community Service (Homeless Shelter)
Employment at Local Community Marketplace
National Level Competitive Fencing (Since grade 5)
Recreational Bodysurfing (since age 4)
Junior Lifeguards (Grade 5-11)
Aaron Price Fellows (Community Diversity Group, Started by founder of Price Club/Costco)
California Seminar Program</p>

<h2> 1st Place, 2003 Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair</h2>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>Your probably in at Berkeley, and you have great stats, but the other school are so hard to get into, that they’re probably toss-ups. Also the University of Chicago places a lot of weight on your essays…</p>

<p>I don’t want to sound too blatant but I think you have FANTASTIC CHANCES! Being a first generation college student is one of the strongest parts of your application. Your GPA is great, SAT scores solid, ACT scores great, and, you have showcased dedication to EC’s. This year, admissions are unpredictable because of the drastic rise in college applications (all the children of baby boomers are applying to college- they are competitive as well) so do not think there are any guarantees. I was deferred from Duke University with pretty impressive stats and URM status (Bulgarian immigrant) in complement to talent in writing so that should show you that nothing is certain. I was however admitted to UNC-Chapel Hill and Wake Forest so I am assured that there is justice in the world. Anyway, you have obviously worked hard and you will be rewarded by gaining admission to one of these schools, in my opinion.</p>

<p>You’re at least extremely competent at all these schools. Although quite a few applicants will share your near-perfect stats, your race and status will certainly make you stand out. Berkeley should be an easy in. UPenn is a match. Of course, the other schools are unpredictable, but you have very high chances. UChicago might be a little harder since it depends a lot of your essays and personality. Good luck!</p>

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