Chances, Chances, Chances!

<p>Hi there everyone!
I'm new here posting, but I have been using this site as a reading resource for some time, and have found it quite helpful.</p>


<p>I was just curious as to whether everyone thought I stood a good chance at the schools I'm applying to.
I am an 8th grade female applying for 9th grade.
I'm applying to all reaches; if I'm going to leave home and my horses (explained below) for school, I only want the very, very best. Schools for application: SPS, Hotchkiss, Lawrenceville, Deerfield, Choate, Exeter and Andover.</p>

Excellent grades overall; first quarter this year:
A+ Geometry
A+ French
A English
A+ Other Required English Class (not remedial or anything, just required of all students, basically a second English class)
A+ Social Studies (History)
A Science</p>

<p>Plus "elective" subjects that really make no difference (but all A's anyway)
The academic curriculum at my current school is fairly rigorous (teachers that grade fairly harshly, 2-3 hours of HW a night)</p>

<p>I enjoy all my subjects, but I don't like my French teacher.</p>

<p>Nominated by teacher for Jr National Youth Leadership Conference, attended, was pretty much a major leader for the subgroup I was split into</p>

<p>Received French Award 6th grade, should have received same 7th Grade but teacher did not properly determine recipient (long story)</p>

Not a "team sport athlete" in the traditional sense, but according to my peers, I have great teamwork skills.</p>

<p>I am a competitive equestrian. I mean, really competitive. I won ribbons at national finals this year, and have improved greatly since. (5 hours/week average on horses, however, it's a half hour drive to the barn, plus plane and car rides to shows and back, hours and hours at shows)
<em>edit</em> I do NOT want to go to an equestrian school. However, it would be nice if the school were willing to work with me on figuring out a way to ride, maybe as a sport. I know Hotchkiss put me in touch with someone who rides 6 days a week there.</p>

<p>I am a pre-professional level ballet dancer. I have attended intensive programs the past two summers, and consider myself to be quite good (not to brag or boast at all). 10 hours/week dancing, hour drive to studio. <strong>I took a class when I visited SPS, and the teacher said I would be a great asset to the program. How favorably does this affect my chance of admission?</strong></p>

<p>I have played the cello since 3rd grade, and can play at a fairly high level. My school orchestra (and our town's high school one) is quite highly regarded, and I play in the designated "advanced" class.</p>

<p>Strong interest and some major work in both architecture and videography over the past 2-3 years.</p>

<p>I do not compete in any team sports currently, but I have recreationally played tennis for many years and am a strong swimmer. If I chose to go to a school where non-dance sports were required each term, I could most likely pursue these athletic activities further. </p>

<p><strong><em>Other Application Stuff</em></strong>
Recommendations should be great. I think my English, Math, and Extracurricular teachers like me and respect me well enough.</p>

<p>SSATs- I took them this Saturday. Math and Reading should be mid-high 90's, Verbal should hopefully be at least high 80's.</p>

<p>Admissions officers everywhere so far have been quite understanding that I have not had an opportunity to engage in community service due to extensive commutes required for both my major activities (ballet and horseback riding, in opposite directions from "starting point" (house)), but that I would be interested in volunteering regularly in prep school.</p>

<p>I have interviewed very well at each school, Deerfield, SPS, and Hotchkiss especially. I received handwritten postcards from my interviewer at H'kiss, as well. However, I take all feedback from interviewers with a grain of salt based on what I've heard on here.</p>

<p>I honestly have no downtime to add activities. Commuting is fun!</p>

<p>Feedback, both positive and construcively critical, well and truly appreciated!</p>

<p>well it sounds great… umm hotchkiss i know has a really competitive equestrian rider… her dad is some famous trainer dude… so maybe that helps… hotchkiss also has indoor and outdoor tennis courts and a great pool</p>

<p>if you are used to 2-3 hours of hw i wouldn’t recommend going to andover/exeter… if you want to be top of your class soo… 2-3 hours isn’t THAT long… my friends study like 5-6… (idk how they do it) cuz i get home from swimming at 830 every night…</p>

<p>I would recommend more EC! But sometimes its about quality and not quantity! You seem like a great applicant! I’m not an admissions director so I wouldn’t know for sure though. :slight_smile: Which school is your first choice?</p>

<p>agreed… with thingslost…</p>

<p>can you guys comment on mine i really need input!!!</p>

<p>thingslost said: <em>I would recommend more EC! But sometimes its about quality and not quantity! You seem like a great applicant! I’m not an admissions director so I wouldn’t know for sure though. Which school is your first choice?</em></p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
For ECs, I unfortunately have no opportunity to increase involvement. All school clubs meet in the afternoons, when I unfortunately have to report straight to the barn for a lesson. I could not possibly move these around, as my coaches are on a schedule, too. Each admissions officer I have spoken with seemed to give me the impression that the quality/quantity combination was quite sufficient. Allow me to clarify, I probably should have phrased this better earlier…</p>

<p>National-Level equestrian, for 6 years, 5 hours+ a week + commute
Pre-pro ballet dancer, for 7 years, 10+ hours a week + commute
Cello, play for “advanced ensemble”, though we didn’t perform at all this season
Architecture (hobby) 5-star ratings in online submissions (contests etc) 3 years
Videography (no awards) 2 years</p>

<p>I realized I forgot to mention I band birds for a migration study for my local Audubon society. Does this count as “community service” since it benefits a nonprofit research study?</p>

<p>yeah! thats a great community service EC!</p>

<p>I have to say you are one of the best applicants I’ve seen on the whole board. That is REALLY saying something. By the way you wrote your thread I’m confident you’ll do well on verbal =). </p>

<p>As for another school you might want to apply to; Groton is suppose to have a program where everyone learns to ride horses. It’s not really my kind of school, but if your into horseback riding it could be your thing! Also, what kind of riding do you do? My mom owns a horsefarm and I’ve been around horses all my life, however, I’ve never rode one. By what kind; like my mom does dressage or something along those lines. </p>

<p>All in all, I think your a great applicant!</p>

<p>Yeah, I would have to say that’s really impressive if all that is true. I understand that you want to really go to one of the “top” schools, but it couldn’t hurt to reconsider some others that are less selective as well.</p>

<p>I also am a very competetive in riding horses. One of the problems is that, many of the times, schools see it as something that is not part of a team, and some schools have a hard time seeing it as an excellant extra curricular or sport. You might be able to get one term were you will be able to ride, or maybe 2 and half, but you might want to consider applying to some not as difficult schools if you want to keep all of your extra curriculars. I would definitley suggest NOT applying to any equestrian school because the facilitys are usually not great, adn the usually do not have a really good academics program. Be sure to discuss horseback riding once you get accpeted to any of the schools. You might not want to mention that you want to do it all year, because that could turn some schools off (they want ‘well rounded’, unfortunetley).</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>do you ride horses all year round?</p>

<p>looks good, but yeah, i’m not so sure if schools think equestrianism is a significant ec.</p>