<p>us dual citizen, asian(taiwanese), public school in taiwan, applying to Columbia ED this fall!</p>
gpa: 3.95(uw)
AP:no such thing as AP in our school
senior course load: ~70 credits </p>
<p>Standardized Tests:
SAT:2100(will retake, expecting a 2300+)
CR: 690
world history:720
math2: will take in November, expecting an 800
ECs and awards:
1. national geography olympiad: bronze(will try again this year)
2. speech contest national finalist
3.Foreign Language: speak 7 languages: chinese(native), taiwanese(dialect, second language), english, japanese, (pretty good level), german, french (intermediate), arabic(started last year)
4.MUN club:co-founder, head event coordinator, trainer, member of 9 conferences till now, 5 awards won
5.traditional music club dizi section leader, plays dizi and percussion, 5 concerts in highschool
6. theater: director, musical director, script writer of annual school musical, lead actress, scriptwriter of school annual English drama, founded own theatre group
7. student government:group leader of discipline, art and volunteering branches of the student government,organized 4 school shows,organized 2 school wide charity programs and started 1 environmental campaign
8. visual art:Chinese ink wash painting and oil painting, art lessons(12 years),annual city art awards: first place in Chinese ink wash painting, first place in regional students' designing awards
9. kung fu: student of imperial inner kung fu(6 years)
10. go(game): go lessons(11 years),second place: city annual students' go competition
11. marching band:producer, choreographer,color guard of school marching band, champion of national marching band awards
12. swimming:swimming(12 years), city swimming awards: 5 gold medals, 1 bronze medal, and 15 regional awards</p>
<p>major: political science, sociology, education(maybe music or theater double?)</p>
<p>schools i'm applying to:
1. Columbia (ED)
2. Yale
3. Princeton
4. Harvard
5. Stanford
6. U Chicago
7. Brown
8. Williams
9. Amherst
10. Cornell
11. Duke
12. U penn
13. Washington university in st. Louis
14. Dartmouth</p>
<p>I'm pretty sure my recs will be pretty good, and essays will be nice, i guess. However, i'm a bit worried if my list is too ambitious. I'm most concerned about Columbia since it's my first choice. Anyway, chance me and i'll chance back(though i'm still new at this since i was certain that i'm going to attend college in taiwan)(started this whole american college thing this year in march), so, thanks for your help!</p>