chances ED 1

<p>gpa: 94 (out of 100) weighted
sats: 670 math 720 verbal 760 writing 690 biology 750 lit
classes now: ap eng, art hist, government, stats and physics (not ap)
extras: girl sccout gold and silver, prez/founder of film club, vp of french club, prez of debate team (first in county), tres. of french national honor society, in national thespian honor society, tres. of model UN</p>

<p>last year i took ap bio and got a 5 but did bad on the ap french exam</p>

<p>i go to an all-girls catholic school</p>

<p>what do y'all think??</p>

<p>What's your class rank? You've got a good GPA, medium to good SAT scores, and lots of ECs. I'm assuming that English, Art History, Govt., and Statistics are all AP. Have you been active in some of your ECs all four years?</p>

<p>my school does not rank, or anything like it so its hard to know. as for my ecs, yes, i've done all of my activs. for four or more years except for debate which i have done since soph. year</p>

<p>Not knowing your background and whether you would bring something different to the table, I would say that you have a 50-50 chance of getting accepted. I realize that's not terribly encouraging, but some of your SAT scores are below the median. Still, college admissions being a crapshoot, I'd say go for it--all they can say is no.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>yeah i sort of figured. i really want to go there but im just some white girl from nj so i know my chances are like.. well... not.</p>

<p>pomona being such a small school, they put a lot into picking the right people (for them), so i wouldn't underestimate the impact of your personal essays and interview. show them who you really are and your chances will improve. eventhough my S had high SAT's and GPA, i believe that Pomona admitted him based on his interview and essays.</p>