Chances for a Below Average Student

<p>I am a Cali resident who currently attends a competitive high school (ranked in the 200's nationally I think). I intend on majoring in psychology/premed. My GPA is absolutely terrible, but my SAT scores are decent I think. </p>

<p>10th grade:</p>

<p>Biology: A/A
English Honors: B/B+
Development of Civilization Honors: A
Computer Science Honors: B+
Algebra 2: A/A
Spanish 2: A/B+</p>

<p>11th grade:</p>

<p>Math Analysis: B/B+
AP English: B/B
AP US History: B/A
AP Calculus AB: C/C
Physics: A/B
Spanish 3: B+/B</p>


<p>SAT 1: 2140
Math IIC: 800
US History: 750
Physics: 750</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:</p>

<p>AP English
AP Calculus CD
AP Physics C
AP Spanish 4
AP Government/Economics</p>

<p>My List of Schools (though most of them are probably reaches):</p>

U. of Washington
U. of Illinois- Urbana Champaign
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
U. of Michigan
U. of Texas-Austin</p>

<p>And just a quick additional question. If I can somehow manage to get one or two B's maybe all A's next year, would that improve my chances any? Thanks for any replies.</p>

<p>Fu(k you, that's not even bad.</p>

<p>UC's - safty/match except hard ones like UCLA.
USC - match
U. of Washington - safty
U. of Illinois- Urbana Champaign - safty
U. of Wisconsin-Madison - safty
U. of Michigan - match
U. of Texas-Austin - match</p>

<p>*** is wrong with are not below average</p>

<p>haha thats cool....if i type in w t f it censors it for me lol.... ***</p>

<p>You only have a 3.67 weighted UC GPA, so I think the top tier UC's would be a reach even with your high SAT scores. You have a good chance at all the other UC's though.</p>

<p>how is UC GPA calculated</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Slight Reach
UCSD: Match
UCI/UCSB/UCD: Safe Match
UCSC/UCR/UCM: Safety</p>

<p>Only 10th and 11th grade A-G courses count for the UC GPA, and there is a cap at 8 semesters of honors/AP credit. A's are 4 points, B's are 3 points, C's are 2 points and D's and F's don't count. You add up all the points you have, then you count the number of semesters of AP/honors credit you had, and add that to your "raw" GPA score and divide by the total number of courses (semester-wise) taken during the 10th and 11th grades. </p>

<p>For example, TheCardShark took a total of 22 courses in those two years, and has a unweighted GPA of 3.27 (72 divided by 22) and a weighted GPA of 3.67 (72 + 8 honors/AP points = 80 divided by 22).</p>

<p>*** are you talking about below average?</p>

<p>"SAT 1: 2140
Math IIC: 800
US History: 750
Physics: 750"
Thats supposed to be bad??</p>

<p>Your GPA is fine too....</p>

<p>The only reach would be Berkley, but since ur a cali resident even that may be match</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. What about USC and the out of state colleges?</p>

<p>Get a life kid.</p>

<p>Get a girlfriend. Heck..... grow some balls.</p>

<p>yeah, you might as well just drop out of school now</p>

<p>because you`re so below average</p>

<p>**** you times a million. Why the hell do people waste my time like this.</p>