I am a very dedicated student who loves electronics and science.I want to go to a school like caltech or MIT (used to live in NY and currently live in southern california {actually 35 minutes from caltech}) so i personally dont care which. So based soley off my shecdule what do you guys think about my chances?</p>
<p>8th grade</p>
<p>Algerbra 1 cp (had to repeat because of grade. Will this matter?)
Physical Science 8H (not a HS course but had to take over)
Spanish 1 cp (got a b sem 1 and a d sem 2. Took over since its a HS course</p>
<p>9th grade</p>
<p>English 9cp
Algebra 1cp
PE 9
Careers, Geography, and Health 9 (required elective)
Spanish 1cp
Physical Science 9 cp</p>
<p>9th-10th summer</p>
<p>Took Geometry online with BYU. Did not recive HS credit but was able to go to algebra 2 in tenth grade.</p>
<p>10th Grade</p>
<p>Computer Technician Academy* English 10cp
Computer Technician Academy World History 10cp
Computer Technician Academy Biology 10 cp
PE 10
Algebra 2
Spanish 2cp
Mass media (visual art class is necessary for uc schools so i took it as a precaution)</p>
<p>11th Grade</p>
<p>Computer Technician Academy English 11cp
Computer Technician Academy Chemistry 11 cp
US history AP (non academy but only if they accept me into ap)
Spanish 3cp
Math Analysis H
Computer Science (may take pc programming instead)</p>
<p>12th grade</p>
<p>Computer Technician Academy English 12cp
Physics AP (if accepted)
Economics and Politics cp
Calculus ap (if accepted)
Computer Repair ROP**</p>
<p>Name,Position, What we do</p>
<p>1)CSF ,member, We are students who hold over a 3.5 gpa. At graduation we recive scholarships and special graduation stuff. We must hold a 3.5 gpa all 8 semesters and do 10 hours of community service for each.</p>
<p>2)Mass Media, member , not really a club it is a class but club like. Make semi weekly video news and joke announcements for the school. We learn video making, editing, and broadcasting techniques</p>
<p>3)Academy*, member, The academy program is a program designed for students to find their career. It is not a club but a set of classes. The academy changes you english, science , and history courses to cp academy courses. We go on trips, do job shadows,we do internships and do interveiws. There are 5 academys each with focuses that you choose. I am in the business and IT academy with a computer technician focus. This means al my academy courses are based on computers. I can switch academies, focuses, or (out of the) academy itself at any time. </p>
<p>4) ROP**, member, ROP classes are classes taken off campus. These classes generate 15 credits rather than 10. The classes are much more intense and even allow you to choose your hours (you choose location which has a corospoonding time to meet). These classes can be in bussiness locations or in classrooms. I am sorry to say I dont have much info as to what iwill be learning in PC repair rop (not that i wont be fixing pcs but i dont know if it will be like a job shadow or where i sit down and take tests).</p>
<p>5) Video Game Design club,President and Founder, As a computer geek I like to tinker with things, especially in the digital and hardware world. So i created a club for people like me to meet and over the course of 2 semesters, come up with one 3d videogame, school related (wether its an fps where we shoot SATs or a racing game with our staff members driving golf carts {which is how they get around our school by the way}). The club meets twice a week and it has an anual fundraiser , selling the game to students!</p>
<p>1) Elected 5th grade school president
2) Awarded "Best anti drug essay" of school in 6th grade from DARE.
3) Created a model that showed the effects of smoking on the lungs in 7th grade, and recived an award at the science fair.
4) Saved for 2 years to buy a 3.5k laptop (if you want the specs ill post them later)
5)Babysit for neighbors
6) Fix computers for neighbors, family members, and freinds. Even teachers!
7) Recived a 97% computer nerd test score (I probably wont include that lol)
8) Honor roll student
9) Best "community service project" in 5 years according to my health teacher. I collected 508 piunds of food for the homeless.
10) AV systems expert, pc expert, and electroics expert. Attempting to get a job at the geek squad but they say I am to young. : (
11) I have alot more, but currently this is all i can think of. </p>
<p>Well based off the above what are my chances? Lets say I stay in CSF (and hold over a 3.5) than what? What if I stay over a 3.75? Over or equal to a 4.0 (excluding freshman year)? </p>
<p>What would you change about this?</p>