Chances for a Native American with good stats

<p>4.0 GPA (all A's)
2380 SAT
2400 on three SAT IIs
Native American from Arizona</p>

<p>Editor of newspaper
Captain of math team- we've won some statewide tournaments
Member of science team- we've done well in some statewide tournaments
Captain of debate team
Member of Region Band for sax
Won some writing contests
Governor's school for physics</p>

<p>Recommendations were great; essays should be good.</p>

<p>thanks in advance for the chance</p>

<p>how many times did you do your SAT’s to get these scores</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me on average how many times do Americans do their SAT’s
I couldn’t work out how everyone was getting such good scores and then realised that you are resitting them and then using your best</p>

<p>Similar to that in the UK - everyone getting A grades but many using resits to get their scores up -</p>

<p>I’d say you’re in. Congratulations on all the hard work you have put into school, it will certainly pay off.</p>

<p>@number12: It depends per kid. I’d say around 2 would be the average?</p>

<p>OP is full of crap</p>

<p>If you’re legit, you’re in.</p>

<p>Seriously, “Chad” the Native American?</p>



<p>Im… sensingawiffof </p>


<p>Yeah, I actually really wonder how many of these people are legit, a 2400 SAT II and a 2380 SAT I? That’s impressive, but kind of unlikely.</p>

<p>To incognito123: that was a pretty ignorant comment. Just because his name is Chad doesn’t mean he’s not Native American. I’m part Asian and have a full name that wouldn’t at all suggest that ethnicity.</p>

<p>Of course he’s legit. Why would he lie? I dont see a motive for making this up.</p>

<p>You’re in. i’ll be shocked if ur not.</p>

<p>the motive might be for amusement at the responses.</p>

<p>i’d say you have a half and half chance. if you’re absolutely boring there’s no way you’ll get in.</p>

<p>Aren’t you the person who posted something in the Princeton forum a while ago, something along the lines of, </p>

<p>"I really want to go to Yale! </p>

<p>(some other stats I don’t remember exactly)</p>

<p>SAT IIs: I dunno, probably not going to send in?"</p>