<p>Non-traditional slightly older-than-college-age student at a florida community college Honors program.</p>
<p>Had messed up childhood, didn’t complete high school, got GED
1380 on SATs (780 V, 600 M) before starting at community college; that’s how i got into honors program since i didn’t have a GPA obviously :)</p>
<p>4.0 in Honors Program - general ed courses, targeting a Poli Sci BA when I transfer, with a side of Econ
Awesome Prof Reccs
Have been living with/ taking care of elderly relative (duty to fall to other family member when i go off to school)</p>
<p>Activities, Honors, Awards:</p>
Honors Program</p>
<li><p>Member of Phi Theta Kappa</p></li>
<li><p>Two-Time Member of Harvard Model UN Delegation of Hillsborough Community College ((February 2005, February 2006)</p></li>
<li><p>Multiple essay contests</p></li>
<li><p>National Deans List</p></li>
<li><p>All-Florida Academic team member</p></li>
<li><p>Featured Speaker at symposiums on original research papers</p></li>
<li><p>Phi Theta Kappa Officer </p></li>
<li><p>Recipient Presidential Honors Scholarship</p></li>
<p>I too was a non-trad transfer. I transferred into one of your target schools. My app didn't look nearly as impressive as your stats, but it helps a little to be an instate transfer applicant.</p>
<p>Anyway, how many credits have you completed, total/per semester...etc.?</p>
<p>Completed 55 credits so far; gonna have completed 70 by the end of Spring semester, and 75 by transfer (taking Calc I over the summer)
Been registered full time since Fall/04.</p>
<p>With a 4.0 and 55-75 credits I doubt anything should hurt your app, as long as you write a stellar essay. It helps to have two f/t semesters in a row with solid academic performance.</p>
<p>I'd narrow your target schools down to your top 3-5 max. You'd be surprised, but properly completed apps can take a lot of time.</p>
<p>When will you complete your associates? Some schools don't like it when you have too many credits. </p>
<p>Just curious, why have you waited so long to transfer? Oddly enough, many schools like second year transfers. Of course, it depends upon the school.</p>
<p>Again, with a 4.0 there shouldn't be too many problems. Definitely call the adcoms at your target schools. Start talking to them. Ask them any questions that you may have. It'll help.</p>
<p>I wasn't aware of that. I wanted to complete my AA and the Honors Program here at my present college so that I'd definitely at least be going to UF, at the very minimum, since they give huge priority to people who've completed their AA.</p>
<p>Congrats on your associates! It is an accomplishment. </p>
<p>Just remember, adcoms will help with any questions you may have. Best thing I ever did was contacting them. Even when you think you might know something, give them a shout.</p>
<p>Good luck! The waiting is the hardest part.</p>
<p>Only American got back to me <em>so far</em>. Accepted, Honors Program. They called me today about an 18K Frederick Douglass Scholarship. Rest of finaid package coming in May.</p>
<p>Wait a second, you are still waiting to hear from UChicago? Call Jerry at 773-834-0163. If that doesn't go through, call admissions. They should have talked to you.</p>