Chances for Admission/Scholarships

<p>I'm sorry to have another one of these posted but I really need some ideas about Clemson. I went and visited and really liked it.</p>

<p>Out of State-- TEXAS
Large Urban High School (2300 students)
GPA weighted:4.75
GPA unweighted:4.0
Rank or % estimate:22/500</p>


<p>AP/IB taken/scores:
World History 5
English Language 5
AB Calc 2
US History 5</p>

<h2>Environmental Science 5</h2>

<p>Senior Year</p>

<p>AP English Lit
AP Human Geography
H Yearbook (Editor in Chief)
AP Macroeconomics
AP US Government
AP Comparative Government
AP Art History
Hon Anatomy</p>

Essays: Great- writing about my best friend (we're both diabetics)
Teacher Recs: Amazing
Counselor Rec: in a school of over 2000 my counselor doesn't know me very well but I have visited her a lot recently so she will be able to write a good rec.</p>

-Yearbook Editor in Chief and member (3 years)
-Varsity Tennis (9-12th)
-Student Council Member and Officer (9-12th)
-United High School Council Member and Elected Pres. (11-12th)
-National Honor Society Elected VP (12th)
-Hunting and Fishing Club Founding Member and Treasurer (11-12th)
-Amnesty International Chapter Member (12th)
-Spirit Crew Leader (12th)
-Link Crew Leader for Freshmen Orientation (10-11th)
-Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk to Cure Diabetes Team Leader
(8-12th) Over $50,000 raised</p>

<p>Service Hours-
Around 300</p>

-Vet Clinic (9-12th) 20 Hours a Week during school year
30-40 hrs a week during summer
-Founded/Owned Computer Business which produced DVD slideshows of student events</p>

-National Merit Commended Student
-Superintendent Scholar
-National Honor Society
-AP Scholar with Honor
-Academic Award for History
-Academic Sweatshirt
-Society for Academic Achievement
-Society for Academic Success
-Society for Academic Promise
-Radio Shack Scholar (8-11th)
-Code of Living Award – highest honor for 8 of 260 campers at Camp Sweeney Diabetic Camp, chosen by peers</p>

I would appreciate any help you can offer.</p>

<p>Nothing is certain, but I would say that you have a very good chance to get in. I would also say you would get an instate tution waiver.</p>

<p>Just wondering how did you find out about Clemson? What do you plan to major in?</p>

<p>My dad and I went to North Carolina to visit some schools (Duke, Davidson, Wake Forest, etc.) and my dad suggested we drive just a little south and check out Clemson. He really pushed me towards Clemson because it was a public school and he wouldn’t have to shell out 45,000.
I really liked what I saw too. I like the campus, the lake, the buildings, the weather, the students. It was great.
It reminded me of a smaller and better Texas A&M. Plus the rivalry with U South Carolina was very reminiscent of the A&M-UT rivalry.</p>

<p>I want to major either in engineering (biomedicine or otherwise) or architecture.</p>

<p>Any thoughts on either of those majors? Reputation in the working world?</p>

<p>I think you will probably get into Clemson, however, they are a little picky with the waivers. They are generally very competitive.</p>

<p>I am in their engineering program, and its great! The best in the state, and it is very well respected in the “working world”. However, you must realize that its mainly recognized as a good school in the area(NC-SC-AL-GA etc); if you plan to move away right after graduation, you may want to take that into consideration.</p>

<p>They also have a great architecture program. </p>

<p>I know from experience that the work is tough, and you can expect to be challenged. Bioengineering specifically is a hard major, and you have to have a 3.0 after freshman year to be accepted into the program (all students spend their first year in General Engineering). The math department is also as hard as hell.</p>

<p>Also, the school has a really nice enviroment, and everybody is very excited to be at Clemson. You will have a wonderful experience both inside and outside the classroom. The campus is also beautuiful, and the students really respect the campus, so it is very clean. I often see students picking up trash and throwing it away.</p>

<p>Lastly, Clemson is on the move. The president has been working very hard to improve Clemson’s rankings, and to get it to be a top 20 public school. So it is definatley going to be a College that is going to have better national recognition in the future.</p>