Chances for admission?

<p>88 GPA
680 Verbal, 580 math, 650 writing.</p>

<p>15 honors and AP classes, 1 SUNY math class.</p>

<p>Really good recomendations and a really good essay.
Lots of ECs</p>

<p>Planning on being an english major. </p>

<p>Applying ED.</p>

<p>I have applied ED to geneseo because I love the school. Honestly, this is the only school I can see myself attending. Here are my stats...</p>

<p>GPA: 96 unweighted
SAT: 1850 (Verbal: 570, Math: 670, Writing: 610).<br>
Rank: 13th in class of 560
Percentile: top 3%
Extra-Curr.: NHS Vice President, tutor, volunteer at library and hospital, Dance school, math team, Future Business Leaders of America</p>

<p>I also have taken many honors and AP courses. I have wonderful recommendation letters as well and a very good essay. I am nervously awaiting to see if I got in. Do you think I made it? Thank you for your help :)</p>

<p>This is an update to the above post, I just recieved the scores that I got on the last SAT I took. I improved in all areas, now I have a total SAT of 1970 (Math: 710, Verbal: 620, Writing: 640). Please let me know what my chances are of getting into Geneseo :)</p>

<p>Kim, if your recs and essay are as good as you say they are I think you'll be fine. Applying ED is really going to help your chances.</p>

<p>Lovinggeneseo, I would say that you have a pretty good shot. Especially since you're applying ED.</p>

<p>Good luck to both of you :)</p>

<p>I think I posted this somewhere else but here goes. applied ed with:
93 unw/96 w gpa
26 act
AP physics b, euro, us hist, english, calc ab, statistics
french 5
sports, church work, job, etc
male, intended physics major</p>


I had an 88, but a 690v/730m and was accepted pretty quickly (I'm not sure if they really looked at my essays since I was accepted a week after sending them). So, if you can up your SAT, I think you would stand a pretty good chance, otherwise your gpa is lower than average.</p>

<p>The other two ppl: your stats seem to fit the average stats of the school or better so you'll probably get in. Not every one here is a genius or valedictorian, so don't doubt your applications too much; I'd certainly say they're stronger than mine was.</p>

<p>i have a
2020 on SAT (cr 620, wr 630, maths 770)
SAT sujects : math 2:800, phy-790, chem-770</p>

<p>percentage 89.2(CBSE)
rank 1/80
international student</p>


<p>involved in Community service for more than 1 yr(NSS)(abt 5hrs a week):working towards improving hygine and health education at a village that our school adopted
Student Government :School head boy, Co-curricular activities prefect
top three positions at various competitions, debates and declamations</p>

<p>worked as a data entry operator, and as a first level trouble-shooter at a local comp. store
can i get in??</p>