Chances for Albany/Presidential Scholarship?

<p>In September, I will be a Senior in HS, and Albany is one of my top choices for college. I was wondering how my chances were, especially on getting a Presidential Scholarship, because that would help me out a great deal.</p>

<p>93.29 GPA unweighted (Is that around a 3.6? I'm not sure..)
1230/1600 SAT (660M/570CR)</p>

<p>Some of my classes over the past 3 years:
Honors Earth Science - 88 overall /90 Regents
Honors Bio - 91 overall /87 Regents
Honors Chem - 86 overall / 78 Regents
Honors Physics - 86 overall / 67 Regents (ugh)
Honors English , grades 9 + 10 - averages in the 90s
Honors Global Hist - 96 overall / 100 regents
AP US History - 84 overall / 100 regents / 3 on AP
AP Psychology - 88 overall / 3 on AP
AP US Govt - 86 overall / 4 on AP
AP English Lang - 91 overall / 95 Regents / 3 on AP
Spanish - 100 overall all years / 100 Regents
Math A - 94 overall / 94 regents
Math B - 91 overall / 92 regents
**** all scores unweighted</p>

<p>I've taken various art/photography classes
Senior Schedule:
AP Marcoeconomics
AP English Lit
+ a few art/english electives</p>

National Honor Society
National Art HS
Key Club International
Art Club
Photography Club</p>

<p>I've recieved my Girl Scout Silver Award, volunteer at my Grandma's nursing home, and have had a steady job 20-25 hours a week since Spring 2007.</p>

<p>My SATS could be higher, I might take them again in the fall.
Would I have a chance at a Presidential Scholarship do you think?
I think I have a chance at getting in, but some of my Science scores are a bit low...

<p>I think if you bring up your SATs you should have a good chance</p>


<p>What are the SAT requirements for a Presidential this year? I think it used to be 1300 but I wonder if they’re raising it this year because of their higher applicant rate due to the economy (not to mention SUNY budget cuts).</p>

<p>My son has a 1310 SAT and got deferred for Binghamton early action (also for Cornell ILR) so he decided to apply to Albany to give himself some options in case one of those comes back and gives him a deferred admission. That way he won’t lose his NYS Regents Scholarship and can hopefully get some money from Albany, to boot. He’s also applied to some out of state schools, just got admitted to Maryland today.</p>

<p>My daughter just graduated from Albany this December and had a great time there. She had the College Scholar scholarship, $1000 a year.</p>

<p>A few months ago they had specific SAT/GPA cutoffs for the scholarships on the website; now they aren’t being specific…I’m glad high achieving students are going to and thinking of going to Albany; D was also deferred at Bing and accepted at UMD, but I am averse to her/me taking on massive debt. So Albany is #1 right now.</p>

<p>“Applicants with a 90 or greater grade point average, 1250 or greater SAT (Critical Reading + Math) or 28 or greater ACT, and a top quarter class rank are automatically eligible. The award amount for an in-state Presidential Scholar is $4,000 per year and $5,000 per year for an out-of-state Presidential Scholar.”</p>

<p>[University</a> at Albany - Merit Awards](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>That’s info for 08-09 class though; in the links for current applicants to follow I couldn’t find specific cutoffs and I think the criteria rose between 07-08 and 08-09.</p>

<p>This is for current applicants. Admissions…Undergraduate…Freshman…Merit Awards. When I called I was told that scholarships for current applicants were based on these numbers. I also believe that current offers have already been awarded based on these numbers. Remember that these are awarded by admissions and not financial aid. Can’t really know until you get your letter I guess, but I don’t believe there is cause to worry.</p>

<p>Muffy333 - Albany definitely makes a compelling case for better students attending there. And obviously if UMD says no to any merit aid, it will be tough for my son (and your daughter, I assume) to decide to go there, and Albany will look very attractive. </p>

<p>BTW, do you know if they have a limited number that they give out? My son just applied recently, so hopefully they will be able to offer him one. Obviously not everyone who is offered these takes them, in fact I would not be surprised if less than 50% accept since typically the better students are applying to Albany as a safety school and do not end up going there.</p>

<p>I thought the SAT requirements for the Presidential were higher than 1250. I guess I should have had my daughter try to get a higher score on the SAT 4 years ago. Could have saved me a lot of money.</p>

<p>I don’t know of anyone who applied who met the SAT requirements and didn’t get the scholarship…a lot of kids applied from D’s high school last year. (D was a 1230 instate so no $$$ but cheap school anyway.) So I guess if your GPA/SAT meets their requirement, you have merit aid! It is lower standards for OOS.</p>

<p>1230 SAT should have gotten a $1000 scholarship, no? That is what my daughter got and her SAT was 1190, I believe.</p>

<p>The SAT for scholarships went up over the last few years…I think last year it might have been 1200…oh well</p>

<p>My son just got admitted with the Presidential Scholarship. SAT 1320 (he said my last post was wrong). So obviously they still have them to give out.</p>

<p>Congrats misterbill!</p>