Chances for all Ivies (Especially Harvard and Yale), Stanford, Berkeley, Duke, NYU

Hi! I am an 11th grader studying in a DoDDS school in Europe. I would appreciate if you could chance me for the colleges listed above!

ED: Harvard

Intended Major: Chemistry
Other Subjects interested: Biology and Economics

Academic Credentials:
SAT: 2290 one sitting
SAT Subject: Math IIC 780; Chemistry 780; Planning on taking US History
AP: Psychology, Calculus AB, Chemistry, World History, Language Comp
Current Class Rank (~200 students): I know that I’m top 5% but I do not know the exact rank
Senior year classes: AP Calculus BC, AP Literature, AP European History, AP Biology, AP Macroeconomics, Band, Journalism

-Tennis since 3rd grade
– DODDS-Europe Tennis 1st singles 2nd place
– DODDS-Europe Tennis 1st doubles 3rd place
–Germany Interscholastic Tennis Match- 3rd place 2 years, runner up 1 year
– MVP 3 years

– DODDS-Europe Soccer overall 3rd place
– Most Improved Player

-MUN 3 years and officer
-Trumpet for 3 years
–DODDS-E Honors Music Festival 3 years
–Germany Interscholastic Honor Music Festival
-Key Club Founder and President
-Student Council Vice President
-JSHS Europe Regionals (Regionals are soon so I don’t know what place I will be)
-Research on green technology and environmental science at a local university
-Mu Alpha Theta member
-Summer: Volunteering at hospital since freshman year

Try to get in as a recruited athlete. Contact the coaches of the schools you are interested in.If you are as good an athlete as your post suggests, you chances will increase greatly. Also, work feverishly on those essays
Btw, your post format looks strikingly similar to my chance thread…coincidence or copy? :stuck_out_tongue: