<p>I’m a junior right now, just wanted to know how I’d do…and if I could get into the Honors program. Thanks!</p>
<p>Asian, Female from NJ. </p>
<p>GPA: 3.67 W, but should go up.
SAT: taking it in march, but hopefully a 2000/2400</p>
<p>I’ve taken mostly honors, except for math and spanish. Also taking AP American History 2 and AP Chemistry</p>
Marching band [fresh, soph]
Mock Trial [soph, junior]
Spring Track [soph]
FBLA [freshp, soph, junior]
R.E.A.C.H. (Resposible Educated Adolescents Can Help) -basically go teach elementary school kids about good decision making, self esteem and such. [junior]
Design Editor for school newspaper [soph, junior]</p>
<p>Hospital volunteering [should be almost 100hrs]
Chinese school volunteering [dunno how many hrs.]</p>
<p>you could probably use a LOT more volunteer hours and keep on being dedicated with your extra curriculars. i know asu is a party school and all, but barrett is very competitive!! good luck</p>
<p>thanks marcjacobs lover: yeah i know, i forgot to mention that by the end of this year or so i should have around 300 or so hours.</p>
<p>oh, I've forgotten to add a few things:
I've taken SAT subject test for Chinese and got 800. I'll be taking the Chem and US History ones in May. </p>
<p>I'm also in I.C.C. (International Concerns Club) our schools version of Amnesty International, including March of Dimes walks</p>
<p>Graduated all 12 levels of Chinese school in freshman year and took the HSK.</p>
<p>Study Abroad/summer program in China for about 6 weeks, was also in charge of 5 other students younger than me.</p>
I don't know if all of that helps, maybe it will?</p>