*I attend one of the poorest schools in the country
Major: Electrical Engineering
Rank: 1/233
GPA: 4.50
SAT: 1930 (600 CR, 660 M, 670 W) *highest SAT score at my school
SAT II: pending
AP Classes: European History, Environmental Science, Biology, United States History, Calculus AB, Psychology, English
Major Awards: -Volunteer of the Year at a community service organization
-City-wide (San Diego Libraries) Essay Contest Winner
-AP Scholar (Honors)
Extracurricular: -President of Robotics (founder)
-President of MESA Club (founder)
-Varsity Cross Country (Captain)
-Varsity Golf
-Varsity Wrestling
-Varsity Track and Field
-Mu Alpha Theta National Honors Society
-California Scholarship Federation
-Yearbook Editor
-Treasurer of Art Club
Community Service: -Volunteer Service Coordinator at a community service organization
-Auroras Honors Society (many hours for tutoring new refugee arrivals or English-learning students)
(Treasurer) -Peer Helping (LGBT awareness, anti-trafficking, anti-smoking, suicide prevention, blood donations)
-Food Justice (raised political awareness, improved school lunches at my school)
~400 community service hours total
Work Experience: -Leadership Internship
-Cameraman for a company
Essays: Pretty good
Teacher Letter of Recs: An excellent one and a generic one
Counselor Letter of Rec: Excellent!
School Type: Poorest school in the San Diego Unified District
Income: $70,000+ (my teacher said I have the highest or one of the highest income in my school)
Hooks: Vietnamese but second generation college bound
If anyone could match me with other engineering schools I would REALLY appreciate it! Thanks!
Berkeley and LA are out of reach because of your SAT score.
Try UCI, Riverside and Merced.
That’s a rather low SAT for UCLA, UCB, and definitely Cornell. I would retake if possible and shoot for a 2100.
Yeah its low but its the highest or one of the highest at my school. My school is extremely impoverished and our previous valedictorians got into UCLA or UC Berkeley with <1900 SAT Scores
Your ECs are fantastic and it appears you’ve made a lot out of your opportunities. However, 1930 is a bit low for UCB / UCLA / Cornell. Try the ACT! It may be easier for you (I know it is for me)
Haha Shawn I’m a horrible test taker. I tried the ACT and scored a 28. I guess these are my reach schools but I really need advice on some match schools! For some reason my teachers and counselors have such high expectations for me (idk why, I know I’m pretty average compared to the rest of the country) . They recommended me these schools but are probably overestimating my capabilities.
I think you have a very good chance for UCB and UCLA based on your post #3. Also, your SAT is just shy of the middle 50% of admitted students to UCLA, according to the latest (2014) Admitted Student Profile (25/75 percentiles):
Applicants: 1,640-2,060
Admits: 1,940-2,240
Enrolled: 1,790-2,150
Good luck!
Experience from my students indicates that your test scores will not get you into UCB and UCLA. If you were, by some fluke to get in, you would struggle in your coursework at those schools. Engineering is impacted.
Since you are in SD County, apply to UCSD, whose adcoms live in the area and will know where you go to school. You’ll get extra points if you go to the school I think you go to (CHS?).
LA and Berkeley are reaches.
How did you know? That’s sort of creepy. And thanks! I have UCSD on my list for sure.
Experience from OP’s school indicates that his test scores and class rank will likely get him into UCB and/or UCLA.
The coursework and competition at UCSD, UCLA and UCB are comparable, and it appears that OP has the intellect and determination necessary to succeed at any of these schools.
I also note that his 1930 is comfortably in the middle 50% of freshmen who enrolled at UCLA (1790-2150).