Chances for California kid


<p>Academic </p>

<p>4.11 9-12 Weighted GPA
4.30 10-12 Weighted GPA
3.86 9-12 Unweighted GPA
1 class shy of IB Full Diploma
7 AP/IB classes as Senior
“A” in Macro Economics at Community College
Ranked 3rd in class
UC ELC</p>

<p>SAT I- 2110
SAT II’s- Biology-710 Literature-710 US History-680
IB Math Score- 5 AP European History-3 (Not Enrolled in class) </p>

<p>Leadership Camps </p>

<p>Northern California Youth Leadership Camp
Northern California Rotary Leadership Camp
California Boy’s State Leadership Camp
California Youth Forum on Defense, Intelligence, and Diplomacy
Academic Extra Curricular Activities
Academic Decathlon: Team ranked 2nd in state.
Personal medals in Economics, Speech, and Team Super Quiz
Leadership role in Environmental Research in Yosemite National Park
State representative for school at History Day </p>

<p>Extra Curricular Activities </p>

<p>Lifetime CSF member
Vice President of Key Club
President of Key Club
Active leader in Interact
Co-Founder of History Club
Freshman, JV Starting Quarterback
Starting member of JV basketball team as freshman
In cast of 6 plays since freshman year
Spent Spring break of sophomore year in Mexico building houses for homeless
Spent 65 hours working in Badger Connection Program
Member of Badger Crew program Junior and Senior year
Work as Private Academic Tutor in</p>

<p>It's really hard to tell from this thread. What I can tell you is that your academic and extracurricular profile is in line with other admitted students. You already knew that. You're pulling out your hair with frustration at me right now. I can see that all the way from California.</p>

<p>What will really serve to make your case for the adcoms are your essays-- it's true regardless of your standings and it's especially true in your case, where you show the promise of any admitted student but it's not self-evident from your profile. Why do you want to come here? What do you have to say about yourself and your life experiences thus far? Why and how are you awesome, and how are you going to bring that awesomeness to this school?</p>