Chances for College of Engineering?

<p>Major: Gen Engineering
Asian Male
Out of State (Maryland)
Weighted GPA: 3.79
Unweighted GPA: 3.39
SAT: 1270/1600 (680 Math, 590 Read) 1820/2400 (550 Writing)
Class Rank: 101/382
16 Honors Classes
APs Taken: US History, World History, Lang
APs Currently Taking(Senior Year): Calculus AB, Psychology, Literature, Statistics</p>

<p>Varsity Soccer Team Captain
Member of:
Investment Club</p>

<p>Part-Time Job (Cashier)
Leader of youth church ministry </p>

<p>I’d say it is a low reach to Engineering and a match for University studies. The decision might hang on how good your personal statements are and whether or not you have visited the school.</p>