Chances for Cornell?

<p>Hi! I am currently a junior at a private high school in Oregon. I would love to attend the Cornell School of Hotel Administration. My other top colleges include Penn (Wharton School of Business), NYU, Stanford, Boston U, and Columbia. I am currently concerned about having no work experience for Hotel School, as it seems most applicants have restaurant/hotel experience.</p>

<p>PSAT: 197
PLAN: 25
GPA Weighted: 4.339 (Frosh/Soph years,will probably increase with Junior grades: A and A-)
GPA Unweigted: 3.91 (I think...Frosh/Soph)
Classes taken:All Honors/AP classes offered at my school (AP: AP US History, AP Government) I will be taking AP Calculus, AP English, AP French, and college level history (through PSU) next year.
Credits: 4 yrs. English, 4 yrs. Math through Calc, 4 yrs. Science (2 in Chem), 4 yrs. French, 3.5 yrs. History, other (PE, Health, etc.)</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
Class Officer (10th, 11th) - five elected positions
Ambassador (10th, 11th) - helps introduce younger students to the school, Marketing Co-Chair as a junior
Campus Ministry and Service (11th) - organized service projects throughout the year
Golf (9th) - JV
Soccer (9th, 10th, 11th) - 2 yrs JV, 1 yr. V
Lacrosse (10th, 11th) - 1 yr. JV, we will see junior year
Girl Scouts (9th, 10th, 11th) - active fundraising for trips and service projects
National Charity League (9th, 10th, 11th)- mother-daughter service organization
Day Camp Counselor (9th, 10th, 11th) - 40 hr. week for Girl Scouts, community service
Working toward Service Chord - 160 hrs. of service (including day camp and library volunteering)</p>

<p>I am also applying to "Hotel Operations Management" at Cornell for Summer College. </p>

<p>I have not yet taked the SAT or ACT, so I think my PSAT/PLAN scores will improve from last year.</p>

<p>Please ask if you have any questions about my information. Thanks! I would love to attend Cornell!</p>

<p>Keep up with your studies, GPA is good, PSAT should improve anyways try to get over 2100 and you’ll be a powerful candidate for it =)</p>

<p>Chance me back att… <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It’s really important to have had a job at a hotel or in hospitality. Cornell’s hotel school has a yield of 80%–only Harvard equals that! This means that accept kids who have demonstrated an interest in the business and have shown they really want to be there.</p>

<p>In terms of business realted activities, I went to a business camp this summer at the University of Portland for a week. I am also atteding Enterprise Academy (a weekend business program) sponsored by Rotary. I would like to take the one business class my school offers, but I can’t because of other required classes. Do you think these activites show enough interest in business? Do you think I should go to the Summer College program?</p>

<p>I think you should get a summer job at a hotel. That will speak volumes.</p>

<p>thanks for the comments! anyone else?</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>I think you stand a great shot at Cornell. I know a kid who got in last year. His GPA and scores were a bit higher than yours, but you have him beat on the extracurriculars. I don’t know if that says anything… But yea, I would definitely recommend maybe getting some work experience at a hotel. It would show that you’re really passionate about your intended choice of major. Maybe this summer would be a good time…</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for your input! unfourtunatley, I already have a full summer with cornell summer college, backpacking, volunteering at day camp, maybe business week again, and soccer…do you think getting a job early senior year would be a good idea?</p>

<p>Here’s the thing, Cornell summer college will not help you get in, a job will. The Hotel School is clear on wanting some industry experience, so it’s up to you to prioritize if you really want to get in.</p>

<p>I would say you have a good chance at cornell, just be sure you get a high score on the sat lik 2100+</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! Anyone else?</p>



<p>You have great stats. A high SAT (2100+) will be a major bonus, and like everyone is saying a job in the preferably hotel (restaurant might be helpful also) business will help you incredibly. Very good chances though, Good Luck! :)</p>

<p>thanks!! anyone else?</p>