Chances for daughter? Engineering hopeful.

<p>My daughter is a senior at a Northern Virginia high school and will be applying to VT early decision as it is her first choice. She will apply to the Engineering department. Given the following, what do you think her chances are? This is our first child and experience with college applications so any insight is really helpful and appreciated!</p>

<p>SAT Math: 700
SAT Writing: 550
SAT CR: 560
SAT Math 2 subject test: 680
SAT Chemistry subject test: 600
ACT: 28</p>

<p>She is an IB Diploma candidate so has taken most rigorous classes offered in all subjects
Unweighted GPA: 3.77
Varsity field hockey player for 2 years
multiple extra-curriculars: plays musical instruments, Relay for Life captain, Sunday school teacher, volunteer at various events, etc.</p>

<p>Her guiance counselor is giving her the impression it could be a stretch for her to get admitted to their Engineering school. Thoughts?</p>

<p>She stands a good shot if she has taken HL math and science courses. If not, its possible, but anyone’s guess.</p>

<p>Is this Marshall HS? Regardless do they give extra bonus pts for certain classes? A 3.77 unweighted out of a possible 4.0 is excellent IMO. I don’t think the subject tests are that important. The Math SAT is important and she did well on that factor. As undercover noted, VT admissions will prefer to see higher level math classes (e.g., Calculus) and Physics on her transcripts. If she has those and did well in the classes I think she has an excellent shot. Nothing is guaranteed but I wouldn’t call it a stretch. </p>

<p>Agree with Chris TKD, if HL Math and Science (Calc / Physics), she has a great chance. Plus she is a female, which will work to her advantage. </p>

<p>My daughter was OOS and was accepted into the COE. Her math score was lower than your daughters but her reading and writing were both higher. Her unweighted GPA was a 4.0 and she had 6 ap courses (calc, chem and physics included), she had 4 yrs varsity track plus a lot of community service etc… If you were OOS I would say she has a great chance at the COE… Being in NOVA makes it tough because of all the competition. I would say 60/40 in her favor. </p>