<p>Does Michigan combine ACT scores? If they combine I would have a 32, otherwise a 31. I haven't figured out my "Michigan" gpa in a while but regular GPA is about 3.5 uw, 3.9 w. I know this is low for Michigan. Would the ACT and the fact that my father is an alumni possibly get me into business?</p>
<p>Your GPA will not help you at all. Your ACT may be close to neutral, although you will likely need a higher ACT to offset your GPA.</p>
<p>If your still a junior, make sure you get the best grades you can during first semester and improve your ACT. Most of the Ross pre-admits (perhaps an understatement) were not admitted to Ross until second semester.</p>
<p>Also, some pre-admits did not have killer stats. They had started their own business (and/or their record showed their passion for business) and wrote excellent essays reflecting their passion for business.</p>
<p>No, I'm finished with my junior year. I thought maybe they combined ACTS. I haven't started a business, my father hasn't donated a building so I guess that's it. They have rolling admission. If I got my application in really early, could I hear back from them before I have to submit my ED application (somewhere else)?</p>
<p>It depends. If you're a strong candidate and have the qualities for which they're looking, then yes. If not, then you may not hear from them for a long time (a.k.a. way into the second semester). Michigan does defer applicants.</p>
<p>If you get your application in early, you may well hear from LS&A, but likely will not hear from Ross until second semester (unless it is a negative response). I submitted my Michigan application in late October and received my acceptance from LS&A before Christmas, but did not hear back from Ross until March. This seemed to be the pattern of many of the pre-admits to the B-school (although some heard earlier and some heard as late as a couple of weeks ago).</p>
<p>Amazon, only nearly pewrfect students have a good shot at pre-admit status into Ross. Most strong candidates can only hope of getting into Michigan and then, work hard to get into Ross after their Freshman year. With your credentials, Michigan is a match...possibly a slight reach. However, Ross is going to be a stretch.</p>
<p>Only two types of kids get pre-admitted: those with really good stats (34+ on the ACT, 12 AP tests, 4.0 unweighted, etc), and those that have owned their own businesses and can communicate clearly (through the essay) the kind of skills that they've learned in that endeavor. It's not a big deal if you don't get in though, just keep a 3.6 and apply after your freshman year like pretty much everybody else</p>
<p>Since 20% of the spots are already taken and some of those students would not have attended Michigan without being pre-admitted, I wouldn't be surprised if it will take a slightly stronger applicant to be admitted next year. However, only time will tell.</p>