Chances for ED engineering

<p>Been lurking on here for a while, reading everyone else's chance topics, finally decided I'd make one of my own. I've applied for early decision at Virginia Tech, and would like to know what you guys think my chances of ED/RD are.</p>

<p>-Academic background: Homeschooled
-Live in Kansas
-Unweighted GPA: 3.96
-No weighted GPA
-31 ACT composite, 26 math and 35 English.
-Partial minority status (white/American Indian, intend to get registered with the Cherokee Nation come summer)
-Second generation college student
-No APs because of homeschool, but see below for the alternative.
-Have taken numerous dual-credit courses at a local technical college, currently a fulltime student through them.
--Dual credits:
---Completed: Spanish 1, Pre-Calculus, American Government, Art Appreciation (all As)
---Currently taking: Public Speaking, Principles of Sociology, Composition 1, General Physics 1 (in progress so no grade, but I anticipate As in the first three and a B in physics. 14 credit hours total)
---Spring semester: Composition 2, Chemistry 1, Calculus 1, and /maybe/ American History 1 or a CAD class.
--Three years with the BEST Robotics program, an engineering competition in the Midwest & South. Leadership roles for the last two year.
--Four years with an annual convention, working as a teacher for children 6-12 and having a leadership role in the last two years.
--Minor volunteer work with a co-op program and the Salvation Army, ~20 hours.
--Published author in two anthology works, through a writer's club I attend.</p>

<p>Think that's everything. I feel like my personal statements were pretty good, though from what I understand that's just more the cherry on top rather than anything of meaningful substance to the review committee. Thanks for spending the time to look at this.</p>