<p>Currently a junior, race second-generation Hispanic (dad is Salvadorian, mom is Mexican)
Location: Germantown, Tennessee (suburb of Memphis)
GPA: unweighted 3.34, weighted 3.7 something (sorry forgot lol). My school uses a very tough grading system where 93-100 is an A and 85-92 is a B. I also go to one of the top 5 public schools in Tennessee.
Class Rank: 186/566
Avg. Grade: 91.09
Honors I've Taken: Honors Geometry, Honors English, Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors Spanish III, Honors Algebra II
Honors Currently Taking: Honors Pre-Calculus, Honors Spanish IV
APs I'm Taking: AP Chem, AP Bio
Next Year's Honors/AP: AP Calc BC, Ap Physics C: Mech, AP Statistics
my grades have definitely improved a LOT since freshman/sophmore year. 1st semester this year got all As and 1 B.
SAT: 800-M/640-R (yuck)/740-W (10 on essay)
ACT: 30 overall :/
PSAT: 206 overall
EC: Member of Model United Nations, member of 30+ Club, member of the high school bowling team. I have been bowling since 2000 and have won numerous citywide and statewide competitions and also a scholarship. I also play tennis and raquetball recreationally. I'm planning to get a lot of service hours this summer once I'm done studying for my AP exams, and also I'm going to 2 engineering-related summer camps.
Other: 2nd statewide in the National Spanish Exam, 2007, National Hispanic Scholar, National Commended Student
Intended Major: Materials Science/Enginnering or Chemical Engineering. I'm very interested in nanotechnology.</p>
<p>Good chance. Apply early.</p>
<p>I believe you have a very decent chance. You have a good weighted GPA and very good SAT/ACT scores. Being an URM and from an area of the country not highly represented at PSU is an added bonus. If you have not done so yet, check out the Multicultural Engineering Program (MEP).</p>
<p>Thanks for your replies. This has nothing to do with admissions but what is the weather like? (i.e. is it extremely cold in winter or is the weather mild?).</p>
<p>Thanks for your replies. This has nothing to do with admissions but what is the weather like? (i.e. is it extremely cold in winter or is the weather mild?).</p>
<p>Thanks for your replies. This has nothing to do with admissions but what is the weather like? (i.e. is it extremely cold in winter or is the weather mild?).</p>
<p>Yes, it does get cold in the winter. You can check the following site. </p>
<p>Average</a> Weather for State College, PA - Temperature and Precipitation</p>
<p>The graph shows you average high and low temperatures by month. </p>
<p>Also, the mountains make their own weather. The standing joke in the household is, if is sunny in the morning, better take your umbrella...if it is raining in the morning, it will be a nice day.</p>
<p>Ah it's not as bad as I thought :p Average</a> Weather for Germantown, TN - Temperature and Precipitation that's the average weather for where I live.</p>
<p>As I've been posting your race, gender and ec's will have very little to do with your acceptance. Having said that, your GPA, especially weighted is a great start and your SAT scores are competitive (although I'd look at retaking the test and focusing on the verbal as they'll take your best combined score). You're not in the top 25% of your class but that doesn't count you out.</p>
<p>I'd say you're a very strong candidate and that as long as you get your application in as early as possible (By November 30th of senior year usually) you'll be offered admissions.</p>
<p>I live in PA but my sister lives in Germantown, TN (suburb of Memphis) and I've visited. The winter weather will definitely be much colder than Germantown. To us, it's no big deal but of course we're used to it. It's not nearly as cold, IMO, as the New England states (Massachusetts etc). The main thing will be occasional icy blasts of wind, also sleet and snow. From what my sister says, in Memphis people get paralyzed at a few inches of snow because it's so unusual. You can expect some snow at Penn State but how much depends on the weather in a given year. You just need to have a warm parka with a hood, etc.</p>
<p>The good side is that there is less humidity and much less of that hot blanket of air that sits on you in spring and fall (in Memphis). </p>
<p>There is a campus bus that transports students around campus and this could minimize the amount of time you're outside, although it will still be cold standing at the bus stop.</p>
<p>Don't wait until November to send in your app. With rolling admissions the earlier the better; I would get on it as soon as the application is up online.</p>
<p>In addition to a good coat I'd recommend a pair of Gore-Tex shoes or boots. Few things are as miserable as spending all day walking around with cold, wet feet. There was one winter not too long ago when State College got a total of ten feet of snow.</p>
<p>I applied in late November and i didn't have near his SAT scores. I had a 3.7 unweighted GPA, a 6.1/7.0 GPA...about 25 honors classes out of 32 possible and some various ec's. I'd say you have a chance.</p>
<p>My GPA is now 3.42 uw on a 7-point scale and my average grade is a 91.68, any other chances?</p>
<p>Will your transcript say 3.42? That might hurt, but not too much I don't think.</p>