Chances for engineering undergrad

<p>Weighted GPA: 4.06 (1 point for AP's, .5 points for honors)</p>

<p>AP Computer Science: 5
AP World History: 4
AP US History: 4
AP Statistics: 5
AP Physics C: Mechanics: 5
AP BC Calc: 5</p>

<p>Senior year I am taking Multivar/Matrix Algebra, AP Gov, AP chem, AP bio, AP Micro/Macro economics, English 12 HN, and an honors engineering course.</p>

<p>Good extracurriculars, but not an Intel Finalist or anything.</p>

<p>Your chances are good assuming your SAT scores are high in Math.</p>

<p>For those that might like to offer you chances you have left out some pertinent information; scores (SATs, ACTs or both), rank, instate (region rural/NoVa/etc) or OOS. </p>

<p>Having said this, VTs admissions are very regional, rely heavily on stats (but leave off the essays at your own risk), so your GC is your very best source of information. Ask what successful applicants to engineering looked like from your school last year. Naviance will mix in all applicants which isn’t a good guide for engineering. Secondly, if you’re instate make sure you attend when the VT rep visits your high school. They are usually very frank if you ask what stats they are looking from your hs to admit to engineering. </p>

<p>Best of luck.</p>