chances for engineering?

<p>-I'm new at this..could someone give me my chances for getting into Purdue's engineering program? (civil engineering, if that makes any difference)
SATs: 680-math, 750-writing, 630-critical reading</p>

<p>-ECs: 4 years varisty swimming, team captain, various awards; 4 years spring track and field; two years cross country; Tae Kwon Do since I was 8 (second degree black belt and volunteer instructor); a few clubs at school and a little bit of volunteer work..</p>

<p>-I am a member of the National Honor Society, got the AP Scholar award last year, got first place in my county for the Merck State Science Day Biology Exam, and was named Soroptomist International Student of the Month for my county</p>

<p>-GPA: around 4.1, weighted
-10/299 students for class rank</p>

<p>-I have taken all honors/AP classes that my school offers but it only offers AP Bio, AP Chem, AP History, AP Gov and AP Calc
-My senior year schedule is: AP Calc, AP Chem, Advanced Language Arts 4, Art 1 (had to take to graduate), Principals of Agricultural Science (also had to take to graduate)
-I'm also taking some classes at the county college in the spring of this year: Calculus 2, General Physics I (calculus based), and General Chemistry II</p>

<p>-also, im a female from out of state (New Jersey) if that makes any difference</p>


<p>I’d say you have a really good chance. Good Luck.
You could also look at UC Berkeley</p>

<p>thank you! would my score be high enough for Berkeley?</p>

<p>definitely, go of it.
The deadline is Thursday the 1st so you’d better hurry up thats in 2 days</p>