chances for Fall '07

<p>Hey I'm a junior in High School and just went and visited Miami and fell in love with it. Here's my stats, see if i can be a competitive applicant.</p>

<p>SAT: 1990/1340 (690 M 650 V 650 W) plan on taking again since that was my first time and going to take the ACT's as well</p>

<p>Unweighted/weighted GPA through 5 semsters: 3.68/3.84
Relativley tough course load, half Honors/AP's (US History, Econ) half A Level</p>

National Honor Society as a Junior
Tutor elementary school and middle school students
Boy Scouts since i was really young (major volunteering)
Eagle Scout
Soccer for the school in the fall and club during the spring
Soccer Referee
Lots of Community Service through my church</p>

Soccer Ref (3 Fall seasons)
Subway (1.5 years)</p>

<p>Am I in good shape so far? Anything need major improvement?</p>

<p>You are on the right track and your chances would be good now but you can make them better. It would be a good idea to buy some 10 Real Tests and work them before your next SAT. You can expect some natural improvement over the next few months. Check out the Xiggi method for Sat studying on the SAT board. It will help. Good luck.</p>

<p>I agree with Curmudgeon, you seem to be right on track. Continue to work hard and I would also recommend applying non-binding EA. You would be a very competitive applicant and if you are/can get in the top 10% of your class you may be eligible for some merit $. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks alot...apperciate it</p>

<p>My school does not do class rank, so how would that affect how much merit money i get? Would only my GPA and SAT scores be counted? Also ED vs. EA...any real admission-chance difference. Thanks for the feedback</p>


<p>Admission chances are slightly higher applying for EA vs. RD. Keep taking the tough courses and doig your EC's. And retake the SAT a couple of times. My S took the SAT for the first time as a junior (690 V, 710 M) and then retook it again at the end of Junior year and again in October of his senior year. Ended up with a 690 V (LOL, best was his first time taking it) and a 790 M, so it pays to retake it.</p>

<p>As far as ranking, I think one of the questions on the counselor rec form asked where they would rank you in your class. Since your school doesn't officially rank, maybe your counselor would be will to at least check one of the boxes putting you in a % area. The key is to get the top 10% box checkedn for merit scholarships.</p>

<p>My S also played both school soccer in the Fall and Competitive club soccer in the Spring, but decided to pass on soccer for his senior year in the Fall to concentrate on his grades going into application time. It didn't seem to hurt him any that he didn't play soccer senior year and the extra time allowed him to ensure straight A's for the semester. something to think about since grades and GPA are weighted so heavily. Carrying a strong courseload in your 1st semester senior year is important too.</p>

<p>S's High School does not rank or put applicants into % boxes.Transcript is marked "we do not rank". It didnt hurt S's chances at Miami,he got the 3/4 scholarship.HS somehow has to make it clear they do not rank on their official documents.</p>

<p>Thanks alot everyone, really apperciate the feedback and advice. This will help alot. I think my coach would kill me though if i quit, I'm the anchor on defense. Anyways, I think i will definelty be applying EA next fall. What really sets apart Miami in my mind is the amount of merit-based aid and the atmosphere of Florida. Anyone got any word on the undergrad business program or have someone majoring in a business related major? Is the program decent?</p>