Chances for fall admission

<p>SAT: 800m 600cr 600w
ACT: 31
SATII: 690math 650bio
UF-GPA: 3.6 :(
Class rigor: Most difficult--10 APs most my HS offers
Alumni: Yes
Major: Mathematics</p>

<p>any feedback would be useful...thanks</p>

<p>I think you have great test grades and parents that are alumni. My daughter has the grades but average test grades. Good luck.</p>

<p>GPA is light. but you knew that.</p>

<p>you should get in…but it is not guaranteed.</p>

<p>Meant to create a separate thread – ignore</p>

<p>Thanks…i hope so</p>

<p>i am OOS if that changes anything</p>

<p>Anyone else have an opinion?? ive been hearing such mixed reviews</p>

<p>i’m kinda in the same boat as you, except for opposite. i have a 26 ACT and a 4.4 W GPA. i’m so anxious for the feb 13th decision ! :]</p>

<p>What we’ve noticed anecdotaly – paying attention the past two years to which of my S’s and D’s friends have been accepted or rejected – is that UF places the most consideration on rigor of courseload with a high GPA. Less emphasis on test scores compared to the other two. And, as we’ve been told by an admissions officer – friend of my s’s turned down with a very difficult course load, but a high B average due to a couple of C’s in AP’s – is that they want the rigor AND the high grades for the classes. Again, this is only anecdotal (sp?). And with them closing the door to an additional 1000 students this year, be it transfer or undergrad admission, who knows!</p>


<p>uyee thats not a good thing…anyone else think that?</p>

<p>is my gpa going to prevent me from getting in?</p>

<p>Probably won’t</p>

<p>My D received an C in freshman year on chimie honors. she is saying that UF rejects transcrips with C… Well it’s only 1 C, the rest is only As and 2 Bs, with 8 APs, colleges classes, duel enrollment courses, wgpa 5.76 and uwgpa 3.85 ,ACT 31, SAT:2000, SATII:800,680,620. What do you guys think? will she be just… rejected?!</p>



<p>That’s just silly. Lots of crazy stuff gets thrown around by anxious students.</p>

<p>“What do you guys think? will she be just… rejected?!”</p>

<p>simple answer… no</p>

<p>Chances for fall admission </p>


<p>SAT: 800m 600cr 600w
ACT: 31
SATII: 690math 650bio
UF-GPA: 3.6<br>
Class rigor: Most difficult–10 APs most my HS offers
Alumni: Yes
Major: Mathematics</p>

<p>if you had to chances me what do you think? closer to lock or closer to questionable?</p>

<p>I’m not sure how much of a factor GPA is, but if it’s as much as people are saying, 50/50 or slightly higher seems reasonable (just based on what I’ve read on this forum).</p>

<p>[University</a> of Florida - Admissions](<a href=“]University”>Freshman - How To Apply - University of Florida)</p>

<p>Approximately 11 percent of people with your GPA are admitted, but then consider how many people with a 3.6 GPA get 1400’s.</p>

<p>thats what so confusing about my case hahha</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>how do you calculate UF’s GPA? A=4,B=3,C=2,D=1 AND AP =5 DUAL ENROLLMENT=6???</p>

<p>I’d say that you’re SAT score helps alot. I’ll say 51/49 chance :)</p>

<p>No pressure!</p>