Chances for football tickets at VT as a Freshman?

<p>Football is very very very very very important to me. I can name just about every starter on VT and their stats, and I follow VT recruiting very closely (hopefully we can get a couple good recruits next wensday). So because of my almost obession with VT football, I would like to know how hard it is to get tickets freshman year. I know they go by the lottery system, but I would like to know how hard it is to actually get the tickets. I tried to talk to my cousin who goes to VT about it, and she had no idea (not very big football fan).</p>

<p>My D pretty much got the tickets she wanted by lottery (she is a huuuge VT football fan). It won't be a problem.</p>

<p>Well winning the lottery is not as easy as it sounds, I only got two tickets this year (Furman and Western Kentucky) and I put myself into the lottery for every game. Its all luck, some are luckier than others, but by no chance will you win the lottery for every home game, just hope that you win when Tech plays good teams. Also there are a few games that are scheduled for break days (there are normally plenty tickets available for those), whether you will come back early to campus to see the game is up to you. However, even if you don't win the lottery, there are ticket scalpers and many websites that are available, some people sell their tickets as well.</p>

<p>Whether you get lottery tickets is completely random, so you could get every game (I got all but one freshman year) or you could not get a single game. I don't know the exact numbers but it seems like you hit about half the time. You can get tickets at semi-reasonable cost from scalpers if you don't get them in the lottery, with the possible exception of big games. Even those you'll be paying face value at most if you ask around though.</p>

<p>S's experience followed kindaslicks. He put in for all of the home games, got 1 (Western Ky) and bought one outside the stadium for GT. He is looking forward to becoming a sophomore and having the ability to buy his tickets!</p>

<p>its easy getting tickets. make friends with your hall mates, get them to sell you their tickets cheap because a lot of kids don't care for football and chances are you'll have one in your hall. you can facebook tickets too for like 20-30 dollars on a good game.</p>

<p>if you play an instrument join the marching band and you will have a free ticket to every home game lol just a thought</p>

<p>Or make friends with people in band and get them to sign up for the lottery anyway and buy their ticket for cheap.</p>