<p>Hello all,</p>
<p>I'm aiming to go to schools like UPenn and NYU, but I'm currently losing hope. MY SATs are currently fine for NYU and a little low for UPenn (I only took it once so I'm sure my scores will go up, please dont focus on them for now) and I swim competitively, but my ONE GRADE in my IB HL Math course (I am in the IB program) is terrible. I am trying to get above 80 in it which is considered good but I'm stuck around mid-high 70s and I am so scared that even though the rest of my classes are 90+, my one grade will bring everything crashing to the ground. I've always been weak at math, with my Honors courses in both freshman and sophomore year hovering around high 80-low 90 (everything I've taken has been either honors, AP, or IB). I thought that my attempt at taking my school's most difficult math course despite my weakness in math would say something to colleges, but I've kinda lost hope in that. I've talked to an NYU admissions officer about my grades, about how even though I had decent grades in my honors courses, my grade right now is seriously so terrible I want to cry, she said it was understandable and that IB is very rigorous. She also said, however, that well-rounded students are considered more than students with one-two weak subjects, and that makes me cringe. </p>
<p>So, can anyone with experience evaluate my situation? Even though I am in weak in math with a terrible grade, will it seriously ruin all chances of getting into schools like NYU or UPenn (which are my top two at the moment)?</p>