Chances for H and MIT

<p>Hey guys just another chance thread. I submitted two essays to both of these schools and I would give them a rating of B+ to A, that quality for ivies. Please chance me and be honest. I realize its long, so the first part is all the academic stuff. Skip to the Key club stuff for the biggies and the awards if you dont feel like reading the whole thing. Thanks in advance! So here are my stats:</p>

<p>4.0 GPA unweighted, 4.33 weighted.
I am taking the hardest courseload possible, which is only 7 APs total throughout my highschool career at the top private school in my area.
I would be valedectorian if I did not take band, but I am ranked 2nd or 3rd right now.
36 on ACT.
Subject tests: 800 math II, 720 US history, 670 Lit (I am taking AP lit this coming year, so I plan to retake this test as well as take the Chem subject test). Projected scores for those are 700 Lit and 750 Chem
5s on both US history and Engl Lang AP exams (only ones available at my school for juniors).
Half Mexican male.</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Lit
AP Calc AB
AP Chem
AP Gov
AP Span
Theology (required)
Music Theory H (no AP offered, although it is exactly the same as the AP course and I will be taking the AP test; i just dont get AP credit)
Advanced Band H</p>

<p>I am overloading considerably , which is very rare at my school. About one person does this every other year.</p>

<p>Work Experience
Intern: Career Consultants of America Inc.
One of the top vocational rehabilitation specialists in the country
10-plus hours a week during school, 20-plus during the summer
Performed research during the summer and prepared normative groups for further study</p>

<p>Community Service
Key Club (9-12): 10-20 hrs/week
• Lieutenant Governor – 14C (12)
- Hold Divisional Council Meetings, write monthly newsletters, and coordinate 5 clubs; Member of District Board, which establishes rules and runs District events
• Vice President (12)
- Planning most of the projects (about 20 projects per month) and delegating leadership of service projects and tracking member involvement
• President (11)
- Presided over one of the top 5 clubs in state and one of the top 20 in the world
- Club of 120 members generated over 20,000 hours of service
- project raised over $22,000 for New Orleans
- Co-chaired first club and school mission trip
- Taught MANY workshops
• Single Service Chairman (10)
- Gave multiple speeches and workshops
- Raised nearly $15,000
- project generated over 1,000 hours; personally spent over 150 hours
- Completed over 750 documented service hours</p>

<p>Peer Ministry Core Team (11-12): 8 hrs/week
• Led 2 freshmen retreats and 4 sophomore retreats, giving multiple speeches
• Founding member of JAYC (kinda like a spirituality club
Band (9-11): 8 hrs/week
• Independent Study: participate in concerts but cannot attend classes (12)
• First Chair trombone (10-12)
• Vice President (11-12)
High School Academic Competition Participant (11)
• One of 4 Juniors to participate from my high school</p>

<p>Cross Country (9-10) and Track (9): 15 hrs/week
• Captain of Freshman team (10)
1st Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do</p>

<p>Haiti Summer Mission Trip<br>
• Travelled to Haiti for 10 days and stayed in a mountain village and the city of Cape Haitian. Huge deal at school.</p>

• National Merit Semifinalist (12): possible finalist
• National Hispanic Scholar (12)
Key Club
• G. Harold Martin Outstanding President Award (11): Best president basically
• 2nd place total service hours and 1st place service hours per member in state (11)
• Single Service Project Award 1st Place (11): Awarded for planning a project which raised over $22,000
• Diamond Distinguished Club (10-11): one of the top clubs internationally
• Single Service Project Award 2nd Place Internationally (10-chairman): Awarded for planning a project which raised over $15,000
Community Service Awards
• Prudential Spirit of Community Local Honoree (11)
• President’s Volunteer Service Gold Award (11): Completed over 250 hours</p>

Hispanic Honor Society (11-12)
Mu Alpha Theta: Math Honor Society (10-12)
National Honor Society VP (11-12)
Rho Kappa Honor Society: Social Studies Honor Society Secretary (11-12)</p>

<p>Thanks guys! if you need me to chance you, just post a link!</p>

<p>You have great chances of getting in at H and MIT.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Latino w/ great academics/36 ACT/good ECs.</p>

<p>In at both H and MIT.</p>

<p>Thanks guys. bump. Will review other chance threads if you provide links!</p>

<p>Please chance me! bump I will chance you if you give me a link!</p>

<p>if you are hispanic I think you should be relatively comfortable in getting in. Just nail those essays and i would put you at 70% chance.</p>

<p>llpitch’s prediction is spot on. You have strong test scores (your lit score is your only low point), ECs, and you are latino. In at both Harvard and MIT</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>generally those schools are never guaranteed, but i would say you have a 80% chance</p>

<p>Blehh… Harvard - Low reach/High Match, MIT - reach/Low reach</p>

<p>Too difficult to say with much certainty.</p>

<p>Why exactly are you applying to MIT?</p>

<p>MIT cares about your interest in science and technology. You haven’t taken physics or bio and show no extra-curricular activities even remotely associated with science.</p>

<p>Ha yeah I know. My high school is a private catholic liberal arts school. It was not my choice to go there. My school offers next to no math or physics clubs or events. I did not know there existed olympiads and other competitions til this june this year. And I didnt learn about a lot of science project competitions til this year also. Lastly, our school does not take credit for online classes. go figure. I study physics on my own and am heavily interested in neuroscience. That’s what i do in my spare time, just read physics and theories. Does that help? lol…</p>

<p>I showcased this in my supplemental essay about that and more specific stuff…</p>

<p>Bump bump</p>

<p>MIT is not going to hold against you the fact you didn’t take courses not offered at your high school. </p>

<p>On the other hand, your application will raise concerns about how genuine your interest in science really is. After all, you did participate in many ECs, and it may seem hard to believe you couldn’t find some local science project to be involved in. Most applicants, even from minorities, will show some involvement.</p>

<p>URM with great test scores/ flawless gpa/ good ECs</p>

<p>Most likely in at both, nice job</p>

<p>Hispanic, 4.0, 36 ACT

<p>haha yeah.</p>

<p>Just make sure your essays don’t suck/offend anyone.
I think there’s a really high chance that you’ll be accepted in at least one of the two schools.</p>

<p>I say you’re in at least one of them.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for the input. Any more opinions please?</p>
