Chances for Honors?

<p>Hey guys, the more I look at my options, the more I want to be a Hokie. If I was accepted into Honors, I would definitely love to go there. I'm applying to Pamplin for Marketing and my stats are 1430SAT/33 ACT. My UW GPA is 3.55, but all of my core classes(eng, math, sci, soc) are honors or AP so that's bound to jump by at least .5. Is the 3.8 that they list for weighted or unweighted? Also, how much do essays and ECs work into Honors decision, as I have great ECs and am currently working on essays. I'm pretty sure that I'll get in but I would love to go to an honor's program. how does it work(with letting you kow) and what are my chances?</p>

<p>Virginia Tech average GPA was definitely raised. This year average GPA was a solid 4.0 (my roommate was his school valedictorian GPA 4.47 and not accepted into honor) so I should expect weighted GPA should be around 4.2-4.5. You have a nice SAT score but I don’t think your GPA is high enough to secure an honor place. But you should definitely try though. You would definitely be welcomed as a Hokie. Don’t dwell too much upon being an “honor” kid because you still have the best opportunity here as a “normal” student. Being honor give you the advantage of getting your classes first which is really nice and live in an honor room by yourself. But trust me, nothing beat living with crazy students who want to know you by just randomly knock on your door and ask for sugar and plastic forks. I live in one of the so called worst dorm in the campus but in my opinion, I am glad that they put me here. College is the best time of your life so don’t be too hard on not getting in Honor Programs. But again, I say you have a decent shot so go for it. </p>

<p>Good luck :slight_smile:
Gobble Gobble</p>

<p>Thanks, but just wondering, do you know how the honors program works? Do they send you something or do you have to do it independantly?</p>

<p>[Admissions</a> to Honors | University Honors | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Admissions”></p>

<p>So I guess they will tell you what to do when they see you meet the minimum GPA</p>

<p>Upon seeing that you meet the minimum GPA requirement, the Honors Institute will invite you to apply. You will be required to fill out an application, in which an essay is involved. The process is quite competitive, but your credentials are certainly a start–just put a lot of thought into the essay and you’ll be fine.</p>