<p>I don't think Hopkins in general is out of my league, but what about BME?</p>
<p>My Stats:</p>
<p>GPA: 4.13/4.33 Unweighted
PSAT (11th grade): 240
SAT Math Level 2: 800
SAT Biology: 790
SAT U.S. History: 800
SAT I: 2320 superscored (800 CR, 760 M, 760 W (12 essay))</p>
<p>School sends maybe 15-20 kids/yr to pretty banging schools</p>
<p>6 AP Exams taken, 4 APs senior year, A+s in all but 1 AP Class, all 3 science APs school offers will be taken</p>
<p>Math and Science APs: Calc BC, Bio. Physics and Chem sr year. All 5s on the 6 i have taken. And statistics at Rutgers. </p>
<p>Extracurricular Activities:</p>
<p>Scientific Research:
Selected for and participated in 2005 Waksman Student Scholars program at Waksman Institute at Rutgers University, involved in genome analysis of the brine shrimp Artemia Fransciscana.
Summer 2005: Internship in lab of Dr. Joachim Messing, Director of Waksman Insitute, comparative genomics of cereal genomes, analysis of the maize and rice genomes.
Currently working on research project for potential submission to both Siemens-Westinghouse/Intel Science Talent Search competitions.</p>
<p>Science Related Activities:
Member of Science League Team for 2 years: Chemistry I team (grade 10) and Biology II team (grade 11)
Member of Science Olympiad Team, qualified for state Science Olympiad tournament in Designer Genes, Vice President 2007-2008.
Member of Science and Math Honors Societies, tutoring responsibilities.
In-school Waksman Student Scholars Researchcontinue research during school year/yearly poster presentation. (grades 9/10/11).</p>
<p>Other Activities:
Member of Forensics (Speech and Debate) Team since 9th grade. Captain of Debate team.
o Public Forum Debate: 10th place 2005 State Tournament, 8th Place 2006 State Tournament, State Champion 2007. National Tournament Qualifier 2006, at Nationals ranked in top 30 out of 216. Harvard Invitational 2007 Octafinalist.
o Extemporaneous Speaking: 6th place at 2006 New Jersey District Tournament, 3rd place at 2007 State Tournament.
o In 2007, only New Jersey qualifier to the Tournament of Champions based on national circuit performance.
Vice President of Model United Nations Club, member since 9th grade, selected to serve on Crisis Committee at 2006 Boston University/MIT conference.
Member of National Honors Society and German Honors Society.
Member of school Symphony Orchestra, passed Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (London, UK) Grade 5 exam in violin and Grade 5 exam in Music Theory, private lessons since age 8.
Member of Boy Scouts since age 6, currently Life rank, working on Eagle Scout project involving installation of bird boxes and irrigation system at outdoor nature classroom at local elementary school. </p>
<p>Community Service
60 Volunteer Hours at Hospital
Member of Rescue Squad since 2004working on EMT certification, on call 4 hours weekly, 36 hours every 6th weekend (rotating duty weekends). </p>
<p>Summer Programs/Courses/Jobs/Activities</p>
<p>o Summer 2005-research at Waksman Institute
o Summer 2006
o Attended National Debate Tournament
o Macroeconomics credit course at Rutgers University (Grade: A)
o Employed 3hr/day at Somerset County Tennis Camp, 15 hr/week
o Summer 2007
o Attended New Jersey Governors School in the Sciences at Drew University.
o Rutgers University Statistics credit course
o Summer 2007- Extensive research for Intel Science Talent Search/Siemens-Westinghouse project</p>
<p>o 3-year consecutive medalist in AATG National German Examination. Grade 10 ranked 4th, Grade 11 ranked 1st.
o Recipient of New Jersey Governors Award for Arts Education for State Championship in Public Forum Debate.
o Attended National Youth Leadership Conference in Washington DC, November 2006</p>
<p>What I think could help:</p>
<p>Will have a paper in the American Journal of Undergraduate Research, and a provisional patent application. Both will be submitted with app because caltech evaluates papers. This is in addition to potential siemens/intel success</p>