Chances for HumEc applicant, sorry for posting one of these but I couldn't resist

<p>Hey guys,
It would be great if you could chance me for Cornell.
Since I've been reading so many of them, I thought I might as well give in and post one of my own.</p>

<p>Applied Early Decision to Human Ecology for the HBHS (Human Bio, Health, and Society) major
My parents are Russian-Jewish immigrants, and I speak Russian at home.
Live in NY state (in-state applicant)</p>

<p>SAT: 720 CR, 780 Math, 800 Writing
790 Biology E
760 World History
750 Spanish (not with listening)
680 Chemistry
640 Math I (took it freshman year, but I had to send this one as my required math subject test for HumEc. Will this low score be a really negative factor for HumEc? My Bio score is good, but I'm worried this will be looked upon very unfavorably. I didn't have a chance to take another math SAT II)</p>

<p>GPA: 96 unweighted (my school does GPA's out of 100) doesn't rank, and doesn't weight.</p>

Freshman Year:
Earth Science (required, didn't offer advanced when I was a freshman)
Honors English 9
Math 11-1Y (two years accelerated math)
Honors Global (world history) 9
Spanish 2A (honors)
Music Theory</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
AP World History
Honors Precalculus (two years accelerated math)
Chemistry X (the options were Regular Biology, Enriched Biology, or Chem X and Chem X was the hardest option available in the sciences)
Spanish 3 (choices were Spanish 3 and 3B, 3 being the more advanced option)
Honors English 10
Science Research</p>

<p>Junior Year:
AP Biology
AP Calculus BC (two-years accelerated for my school)
AP US History
British Literature (most advanced English class for juniors)
Intermediate Spanish (college-level Spanish, through University in High School program at SUNY Albany)
Health (requirement)
Human Physiology (1/2 year elective)</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP Economics
Mandarin Chinese 1 (first year my school offered the language to any students)
AP Literature and Composition
AP Physics B (considered toughest class in our school, the teacher is tough and the school doesn't offer Physics C)
Calculus 3/Linear Algebra (still 2 years accelerated)
AP Spanish</p>

<p>I had PE every year, so I had a full schedule with one free each year.</p>

<p>AP Scores:
AP Biology: 5
AP US History: 5
AP World History: 5
I canceled my AP Calc BC score because I was pretty sick that day and did poorly.</p>

Toshiba ExploraVision Contest Honorable Mention (10th grade)
Spanish Department Award for Excellence in College-level Spanish
AP Scholar (eh, I got it so might as well list it)
New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence
NY State Math Honors Society Inductee (also an EC, but I won't list it again)</p>

I'm not going to list all of them since it's really pointless to do so on CC so I'll put my main ones.
Worked for two summers 3 days a week for 9 hours a day at a local endocrinology clinic as a checkout person, I took copayments, helped with patient issues, scheduled/rescheduled appointments. I also got to shadow a couple doctors there a few times to see what it was like to be an endocrinologist.</p>

<p>Volunteered at the local hospital for 3 summers (9th, 10th, 11th), ended up shadowing a couple doctors there as well a couple times</p>

<p>Co-President of school Masterminds team (sort of like Quiz Bowl)</p>

<p>Piano for 12 years, performed some high-end pieces at recitals each year.</p>

<p>Those are the main ones, the others aren't as important. Basically, I listed the ones that take up most of my time.</p>

<p>Essays were definitely on unique topics, kind of quirky, but also a bit long.
One teacher rec should be spectacular, the other one I don't really know.</p>

<p>So, yeah, there's my cliched chance thread, please don't berate me for posting one, I truly couldn't resist.</p>

<p>Good luck to all! And sorry for the REALLY long post!</p>

<p>every thing looks great; I’d be quite distressed if you didn’t get in seeing as we’re applying to the exact same major and you’re doing it ED and with better stats. Based on what I know of HumEc, they’d be thrilled to have you. (Would you mind PMing me your app status come 12/15? If you can’t get in, I don’t have a prayer…)</p>

<p>I wouldn’t mind at all.
Are you from NY?
I’m worried that in-staters will have a disadvantage this year due to budget cuts. Contract colleges will accept more out of staters since they pay more.
(according to the ILR thread, and seeing as the kid had an interview with the alumni head of westchester, i’ll believe it)
Are the EC’s what HumEc is looking for, you think?</p>

<p>I’m from VT, which may help. As for the EC’s-I don’t see how you could get experience that was any more pertinent to your area of study than working with those doctors. Frankly, though, I don’t know what exactly they have in mind.</p>

<p>The contract colleges will take less NYS students this year? I think Cornell is still obligated to take plenty of in-state students since they are still getting NYS funding. Can you link me to the post that says otherwise?</p>

<p>I don’t know how to link posts, (call me a noob), but I can tell you that it was in one of the more recent ILR threads (the one by procrastinidiot?)
Yeah, they’ll still take in-state students, but probably less than in past years unfortunately.</p>

<p>“The contract colleges will take less NYS students this year? I think Cornell is still obligated to take plenty of in-state students since they are still getting NYS funding. Can you link me to the post that says otherwise?”</p>

<p>Yeah it was me who said it. My interviewer is the ILR Alumni Head of Westchester and she did say it would be increasinlgy diffuclt this year because of budget cuts (she remarked how when she graduated in 1962 they took 90% instate students and that number was 40 something percent last year and will be signifiganlty lower this year). Take it with a grain of salt it could just be some rumor shes picking up on but im inlcined to belive her. Of course they’ll still take plenty of in state students just not as high a percentage.</p>


<p>Thanks for the insight Mike!
Well, I guess all we can do now is just wait until decisions come out.
I’m surprised I didn’t get an interview, I live in a pretty Cornell-heavy area.
I wish it was still 90%, haha</p>

<p>honestly your sat scores are amazing and your your ecs are good. But your Gpa doesnt seem that great, its just hard to tell, i need to know your rank, UW gpa and weighted gpa. but from what you told me, i would say definetely yes. especially since you Ed’d it. as long as your rank isnt terrible.</p>

<p>My school doesn’t weight or rank, but I’ve taken the hardest possible courseload and only 2 people have a higher GPA than I do and have taken the same rigor in terms of courses. (and theyr’e applying to Yale SCEA)</p>

<p>And thanks :slight_smile: A lot of people don’t like chancing.</p>

<p>85 percent ED. As long as your letters of rec and essays are decent, you have a very good shot.</p>

<p>Great! That’s awesome to hear coming from you. Will the 640 Math I hurt me?</p>

<p>I’m going to bump this little sucker… to everyone who doesn’t know, I got deferred ED.
How are my chances looking for RD?
(Woot for noob threads like these)</p>

<p>Sorry about this thread guys but I’d like some honest opinions on the RD chances after being deferred.
I won’t bump it again if I get no replies, haha, no worries.</p>

<p>Chandler I really hope you get in buddy. Just one question, why don’t you take Math II?</p>

<p>I did take Math II, and got a horrendous score, 650 because I didn’t have time to study during the fall when I took it.
But my Math SAT I is a 780… so I don’t know.
I’m in multivariable calc, yet suck at math SAT IIs haha.</p>