chances for hyp despite struggles?

<p>Hi to all,</p>

<p>I'm a junior at a top Illinois public school. I skipped the second and third grades but went back a grade for athletics when I transferred to a public middle school.
My mother's a second-generation Puerto Rican/Spaniard and my father's a complete mutt--Eastern European/Russian/Ashkenazi Jew, etc.
I've got ADHD and one other slightly distracting compulsion that I tend not to discuss in public, but I'll probably write an essay about it. The ADHD really affected my freshman and sophomore years as it went untreated, but with medication I've really been able to buckle down and get some really good work done.
My freshman year was completely mediocre--see above--with a 3.80/5.00 while in all honors classes. I think that was mostly due to the ADHD, an elongated acclimation period and my immaturity compared to my peers. My sophomore year was improved to a 4.05/5.00. This year, my first semester GPA was 4.80 and second semester was a perfect 5.00.
Currently, I'm in AP English Lang. and APUSH. Next year, I'll be in AP English Lit., APUSG/Comp Gov't, AP Psych, AP Physics C, and AP Calculus BC. I've always taken the hardest classes possible, so every single course besides band, gym and health were accelerated/honors/AP.
My EC's are solid: class council member, baseball (frosh/soph/jun/assuredly sen) and swimming (frosh/hurt soph/jun/sen) (both highly competitive sports, and I have a chance to play div. I baseball), 1st chair saxophone in band for two years before moving to an honors band in the city, production editor on the school newspaper and editor-in-chief next year, writer for two other news organizations (including the teen newspaper of the Chicago Tribune), member of Tri-M music honors society and Spanish club (yes, I know, Spanish club is quite easy to see through as a blow-off, but I'll be treasurer next year), as well as participating in Project Lead the Way pre-engineering courses frosh, soph, jun. Captain of scholastic bowl and top scorer for all three years as well. I've volunteered for Habitat for two years and I have an internship at a major engineering company next year. I also distribute Communion to the sick at a local hospital, attend Saturday and summer courses at Northwestern University, and play in a highly competitive honors band in Chicago.
I just received my ACT scores two weeks ago and my SAT's a few days ago: 36 comp on my ACT (somehow!); 780 M, 800 CR, 800 W on the SAT. I might try for a perfect superscore but I think my 2380 was good enough for me hahah. Though I achieved a 236 on my PSAT, I don't think my frosh/soph grades will be good enough for anything past commended on National Merit. I haven't taken any SAT subject tests...should I?
anyways, i'm hoping that my test scores and ec's really help. i'm also looking at northwestern, vandy, wake, uillinois (in-stater, basically guaranteed for engineering), umich, uva, ut-austin, ucla. thanks!</p>

<p>Just a word of advice – Next time you post chance threads, please post your content in a format that’s easy for the reader to view (Use spaces, bullets, bolded/italicized font, etc). </p>

<p>Yes, you should definitely take SAT subject tests; they may be required at some of the colleges you decide to apply to (check their websites for more info).</p>

<p>Your SATs and ACT scores are great, and your ECs, as you said, are solid. Being part Hispanic qualifies you as a URM (underrepresented minority) which will boost your chances. Upward GPA trend is always good, though that also means that your overall GPA will be hurt by your frosh/soph grades. Good chances at Northwestern, Michigan, and UCLA; don’t know enough about the other schools to chance you for them.</p>

<p>I’ll do my best to reorganize this. I’ve kinda been copying
and pasting every few days.</p>

<p>You got great stats and pretty nice EC’s, but a lot of almost perfect students get rejected by HYP, students who consistently had really great GPA’s.
Imagine the outrage if an ADHD got in.</p>


<p>“Imagine the outrage if an ADHD got in.”</p>

<p>^What? Haha.</p>

<p>Actually, I’m also 50% Hispanic lol. So I’m hoping that’ll give me a boost too. Given your SAT scores, you’re a good match for all the schools you listed except Harvard, Yale, and Princeton - they’re reaches. The GPA rising trend is good - I hope that the 3.8/5 that one year didn’t ruin anything. Really though, good shot for all these schools. </p>

<p>I’d say your a definite admit for Wake Forest, U Illinois, UMich, UVA, and UT Austin. You have a very good shot at UCLA, Vanderbilt, and Northwestern. You have a fairly good chance at HYP, though not a very high chance. Of course, this could be slightly incorrect, but most likely pretty accurate.</p>

<p>Based on all of the crazy results I’ve seen, I’d say you have a pretty good shot at HYP. Good luck!</p>