Chances for HYPSM?

<p>I was wondering what my chances were for hypsm. I plan to major in engineering if that makes a difference.</p>

UW GPA: 3.75 Weighted GPA:4.23
I go to a fairfax county high school so i dont have a class rank.</p>

<p>APs: World-5;BC-5;Chem-5;US-5;Lang-5
enrolled in for senior year: us govt, comp. govt, literature, physics C, Computer Science A</p>

<p>SAT: 2190, 800 Math, 730 CR, 660 Writing
SAT II: Math II 780, Chem 750, Physics 790, World History 800</p>

<p>ECs: FIRST Robotics Club- President for 2 years, presented our robot to President Obama in his educate to innovate speech, technically a member since i was in 4th grade because i would go in on saturdays when my brother was on the team in high school.
Swim Team: Varsity 4 years. Year round club team every morning at 4AM
Latin Honor Society: Historian- 3years
National Honor Society:2 years
Science Honor Society: 2years
Cross Country: JV 1 year
Volunteer Swim Coach:2 years, 1 night a week</p>

<p>Awards: National Latin Exam - 2 golds 1 cum laude; Academic Letter -- 3 years; Scholar Athlete -- 3 years</p>

<p>Summers: 2 mission trips to pittsburgh with my church; Lifeguarding:2 years -- head lifeguard 2nd year; Swim Team: 4 years; Swim Coaching:3 years</p>

<p>also im a white male from an middle class family.
So what would you say my chances are?</p>

<p>Numbers and ECs are good, but they are far from what you need for HYPMS. All five schools will be significant reaches.</p>

<p>OMG that was you in that Obama video? That’s so awesome!</p>

<p>Anyways, feel free to apply to HYPSM, though your chances aren’t great. How about schools like RPI, Carnegie Mellon, Illinois, Michigan. These are all strong engineering programs that you have a great chance at.</p>

<p>I agree with billabongboy and jogo. Everything is good but not great enough for HYPSM. Check out some of the lower Tier 1 schools.</p>