<p>I understand my chances of getting accepted into Johns Hopkins are not very good, but I'd like an opinion of many of you.</p>
<p>I am currently a Junior taking all AP/Honors. I get A's and B's.(I probably should have applied myself better, but I did not. I plan to try harder for the rest of this year and next year).</p>
<p>I estimate my GPA around 4.3 or 4.4
I have not yet taken the SATs , but my goal is to score, well obviously as high as possible, but realistically 2100 or in that range. I also plan to take the Subject tests in Biology and Chemistry.</p>
<p>I have taken all the hardest classes that my school offers.</p>
<p>I am certified "gifted" and am actually an officer in our schools gifted club called Academic Challenge.</p>
<p>I go to many competitions for Academic Games. I don't know if these academic games are worth anything for colleges, but I did qualify for and I am attending the national competition. There is a long list of them I play and don't feel like listing. </p>
<p>I accelerated in Math and Spanish. I may be taking Calc 2 and Calc 3 at our local college campus next year if everything pans out.</p>
<p>I can probably get some pretty stellar letters of recommendation. </p>
Varsity Track and Field
Drama Club
Sophomore Class Officer
Academic Challenge Officer
Chess Team
National Honors Society(planning on joining this year as soon as it is offered to juniors)
Life Guarding
Volunteer Camp Counselor
Many Academic Competitions(eqautions, linguistic, math competition, propaganda, ect.)</p>
<p>One last thing. I actually have a family friend who is a professor down at Hopkins. It is possible he would write me a letter of recommendation, but because we haven't really worked together from an academic standpoint, I am uncertain. </p>
<p>Basically, what are my chances and what can I do over the next year to increase these chances?</p>