Chances for MA girl?!

<p>I'm actually not really sure where I'm going/what kind of school I could get into, so any help would be great.. I know I'm applying to Cornell, Penn, and Tufts but beyond that I have no idea really</p>

<p>PSAT: 66 M/68 V/80 W, took SAT I, hoping for a little better score overall, felt I probably got 740+ V and about the same as the PSAT on M..
SAT IIs: Biology, hoping for 750+ and US History
APs: Took Biology and English Language this year, felt I got a 4 or 5 on both
Courseload: All honors except for 2 APs
GPA: 3.9 UW
Rank: 6/400+
ECs: VP of Art Club, held down same job at supermarket--about 20 hrs/week for a year and a half now, should continue until I apply at least
Recs: Should be great, English/Bio</p>

<p>Prospective major: Political Science, Journalism, or International Relations</p>

<p>College suggestions, chances appreciated! Thanks!</p>

<p>Nice class rank in a huge class!
SATs are a little bit low, especially you M+CR
Generic ECs
Tufts--slight reach</p>

<p>lol ugh what was I thinking actually that was the school size :x! haha I guess that makes my chances that much worse huh :(</p>