Chances for me at Wisconsin?

<p>I just submitted my app about a month and a half ago. My status is "being prepared for review", so I don't know when I will hear.</p>


<p>3.55 UW GPA (strong upward trend though; if you take my freshman year out I'd have close to a 4.0- and took harder classes my sophomore/junior/senior year)
33 on the ACT (33 English 30 Math 34 Reading 36 Science, 11 Writing)
-Go to a fairly recognized public high school in Northern Illinois.
2 very good recommendations.
Can't really judge the essays but they were at least adequate.
-National Honor Society
-International Thespian Society
-Theater: I've done 7-8 plays so far in High School
-Music: I'm in 3 different choral groups and have a very strong role in the choir department, also selected as a singer for the district 7 Illinois Music Educators Association choir.
-Work experience: work in a factory downtown during the summer</p>

<p>Applied to College of Agriculture and Life Sciences for Microbiology.</p>

<p>Looks good but we have had some surprises too. Much better than 50-50--say 75-25.</p>

<p>Look like a clear admit candidate to me. Why microbiology? Pre-med track?</p>

<p>I'm not exactly sure why I chose microbiology. I guess I wanted to do something with biology and picked the field within it that interested me most. I'm not sure what I will do with it yet either but that field can lead me in a number of different directions, so we'll see what happens.</p>

<p>Also, my status has said "Your application is being prepared for review" for about a week now and all of my materials are in. How much longer do you think until I should receive a decision?</p>

<p>Any more thoughts on my chances for admission?</p>

<p>probably in, but that GPA is very suspect, so i can see a postponement also. good luck!</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>between 70-90%</p>

<p>My friend got in with lower numbers than you are good</p>

<p>Others have not gotten in with similar and better #s.</p>

<p>vipermn: i would think your friend is most likely an exception (especially in the GPA category). see, the thing is, they're gonna wonder how someone smart enough to get a 33 only got a 3.5 GPA</p>

<p>Well, I think they'll get it why my GPA isn't that fantastic.</p>

<p>Here are my grades Freshman year...
A, B, B, B, B, C in six classes, all normal.</p>

<p>Sophomore Year...
A, A, A, A, A, B in six classes, most normal some honors</p>

<p>Junior Year....
A, A, A, A, A, B in six classes, three honors, one AP and one normal.</p>

<p>I really got my act together after freshman year and started taking harder classes and I think they will appreciate that, I might have mentioned it in one of the essays too, if only indirectly.</p>

<p>If I get postponed, I will have a 3.83 UW first semester this year (hopefully) in 4 AP classes 1 honors and 1 regular. I'll make sure to write a nice letter too.</p>

<p>People with average (if 3.5 is average) often test well above what the grades might indicate. Nothing weird about it. Many smart kids find high school stupid and boring. And ther are plenty of 4.0s who have a tough time cracking a 26.</p>

<p>"Many smart kids find high school stupid and boring."</p>

<p>True. Which is not what elite schools like UW want in their applicants, I would imagine.</p>

<p>You and I had almost exactly the same stats, and I was denied.
You seem pretty smart though, so I'll guess postpone. Certainly not deny though.</p>

<p>Well if you notice my upward trend, I DID start caring about school.</p>

<p>So.... that's taken care of. My GPA isn't even that bad either, it's still within the middle 50% (3.5 to 3.9) and my ACT is far above the average.</p>

<p>I dunno... that seems really weird that you got denied though, NiceGuy. Did you get a bad rec or anything? I haven't heard of anyone with stats like mine getting denied, maybe postponed, but...</p>

<p>Actually UW has always had a warm spot for the smart underachiever. Many of their best grads fit that model.</p>

<p>LOL No bad recs or anything. I think I just got screwed over.</p>

<p>I'm sure It won't happen to you. You seem really well rounded and you have a good GPA and an AMAZING ACT score.
The Lamb,what study materials did you use for the ACT? I've always wondered how people do that awesome. ( I got 30)</p>

<p>I took a ACT prep course at my high school... I went to about half of the lessons. To be honest I'm not sure if it helped me that me that much but I think I just got lucky.... I've always been a way better test taker than a student >_></p>

<p>If it weren't for the dang science portion...</p>

<p>Well, Best of Luck getting into Madison! I hope to see you there Fall, 2010!</p>



<p>Resurrecting an old thread, I know, but... could you expand on that? What is meant by warm spot, smart underachiever, and best grads?</p>