Chances for me to get in please

<p>Hello everyone! I'm currently a high school senior, and i'm desperately wanting to know how big my chances are, to get into UCSC. </p>

<p>My overall unweighted gpa: 3.8
Weighted gpa: 4.0
1st SAT: 1650
Ap Calc ab: 4
Ap bio: 3
All my ap classes are: Ap calc ab
Ap calc bc
Ap biology
Ap gov
Ap psychology
Ec: I have over 200 hours of community services at local clinic, church, sunday school, member of key club, asian club, american sign language club, and member of central cal chinese christian community. I'm also a honor roll student at school (all four years).
And i have been working at my mom's restaurant every weekend to help her out since we got here. </p>

<p>I moved to the U.S about three years ago, so my English is still very poor. I'm planning to write this experience into my personal statements essay, do you think that will make it a compelling story? Will it give me a greater chance to get in? </p>

<p>Thanks for taking your time to read through this post. And please let me know if you guys have any suggestions or know anything about this admissions! And sorry if there are some bad grammers, i tried the best i can. :p</p>

<p>You are so in.</p>

<p>A high GPA low SAT combination is much better than vice versa. You should be fine.</p>

<p>probably zero to no chanceā€¦just kidding, you might have a chance at even the higher tiered UCs. Good Luck</p>