Chances for me to transfer?

Aerospace engineering, Flight, or Aviation management
Resident: FL

Previous institute GPA 3.35-- Withdrew 7 classes and Failed 1 due to different problems and accident.
Current institute GPA 3.50-- 0 withdraw- all accelerated class 4 last semester and 6 classes this summer.
Combined GPA 3.36

Deans list for all of my semester except 1 that I end up with a F.

If I replaced the one F that I had from my previous school, my new GPA will be around 3.7-3.8.

Still taking my Pre Reqs- Cal1-Cal3 etc…
If I apply this semester, my GPA should be 3.6-3.8
If I finish my AA with all the pre reqs, my GPA might be lower due to those harder classes.

.Member of astrophotography group 19-present
.Pet Rescue Vol. 19-Present
.Not sure if this counts, I do a lot of fishing and camping.

Purdue will look closely at your engineering based courses - math, physics, chem, etc… How does grade replacement work for you? Will the F still be on your transcript and for which class? If you can keep your STEM based GPA above a 3.5, you would be competitive but…

The majors you are interested in are super popular and usually close to transfers. Purdue already announced that flight is closed out through next Fall, and aero is closed for the summer semester.

You can search for “Purdue closed programs” as you get closer to applying to see if they are accepting applications for your majors.

There are two categories for closed programs - for freshman admits and for transfers. Freshman closed programs are usually a clue though for what will be closed to transfers later.

I am sure that the F will be on my transcript but with a replacement grade somewhere near. The thing that I am worried about is if the 7 classes I dropped will be a problem. I don’t mind getting admit later on in the year or even next year.

Which courses did you drop? Which course has the F?

Usually the popular majors are closed year after year so don’t count on being able to transfer later for the same major.

It’s the speech class for AA degree.

Oral communications is a required course for Purdue engineering.