<p>Originally deferred, waiting on seventh semester grades for a decision. Cumulative gradepoint up until the end of this semester is a 3.3, ACT score is a 30. My senior year courseload is composed of AP World History, PreCalculus, Engineering Drafting, AP Environmental Science, World Literature (Reg. English), and Spanish 2. My semester gradepoint will be a 4.33 (4.0 UW) provided I do well on my midterms. ECs include tennis, two years of marching band, and a year of quizbowl.</p>
<p>With your senior courseload and ACT score, Michigan State would be a likely match. Your cumulative GPA could use some help, but with your semester GPA is excellent and will likely provide help. The biggest problem is your extracurriculars. With only three (and two only partially involved in) it is a red flag to colleges that you do not get involved with your school community, which is vital in the admissions process. Also, you say that you were in tennis -were you a captain? Leadership positions would help. </p>
<p>Perhaps there is something else in your school or outer community that you have been involved in and have not mentioned. </p>
<p>To get in RD, I would work to raise the GPA and communicate to MSU any new activities or accomplishments you have.</p>