Chances for Penn, Notre Dame, WashU, Michigan (Ross Preferred Admission)

<p>ACT: 34
SAT: 2100 (already sent to penn and mic, might not send to nd and washu, i wanna retake it)
unweighted gpa: 3.95
class rank: 8/498</p>

<p>course rigor: ive taken the hardest possible classes at my school, with 5 aps completed before my senior year and 6 more this year</p>

<p>ethnicity: im a white male from illinois so idk how much that may hurt me at like nd or washu</p>

<p>extracurriculars: 4 years of football at my school, 3 years of math team, national merit commended scholar, nhs, spanish honor society, and i won a schoolwide math competition 2 years in a row</p>

<p>community service/leadership: this is my weak area... i tutor for spanish once a week during the year thats about it, and im in a service club at my school but havent done much in it</p>

<p>please give me your chances for penn, notre dame, washu, and michigan </p>

<p>Note: for michigan im fairly confident id get in but they offer a preferred admission into the business program for select students, which is what i'd like to know my chances for</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>Are you planning on sending your improved SAT score to Penn? Cause, with a grade like that, your chances could be hurt pretty significantly…</p>

<p>Good chances, but the lack of leadership may hurt you and the SAT score may also hurt but you don’t show your subject tests so post them maybe? Good luck!
Chance Me
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If your ECs were a bit stronger, I’d say to apply to alot of top-tier schools. As it stands, you ahve a good chance for the schools you listed.</p>

<p>Chance me: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks a lot guys, i havent taken any subject tests yet should i use the october sat date to do subject tests or to boost my sat score (the first time i took it was the day after my prom and i went to bed at 2 am)?</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>Penn’s a reach, matches/low reaches for others</p>