Chances for prep school?

Hi! I’m applying to loomis chaffee, choate, and hotchkiss this year and I have no idea what my chances are compared to other applicants. Please chance me! These are my stats:

  • figure skating - just started recently so not very major, this year is my second year
  • ballet - 6 years and have performances in winter and spring (nutcracker, recital) and I got a $95 scholarship for an exam
  • debate - started this year
  • research program - independent research on starvation adaptation on blackworms
  • mathcounts - this year is my second year, I’ll do the comp this year but it might not be able to go towards the application because it’s pretty late
  • cooking club
  • community service - not many hours but I did do rapid bioassessment for my state for a little bit
  • newspaper - this is my second year

Hobbies/free time

  • gardening
  • cooking


  • xc - second year
  • swimming - second year
  • softball - will be second year in spring


  • taking geometry right now (8th)
  • skipped a year in science so taking biology
  • taking latin II - second year
  • final grades for 7th were all A+ or As (don’t recall perfectly)
    1st quarter for 8th:
    Latin - 98
    Geometry - 96
    English - 96
    Biology - 100
    History - 93

I havent taken the SSAT yet but i’m studying and will take it soon. I’m planning to focus a large portion of my application on my gardening, environmental stuff, and science. A huge concern of mine is my lack of awards compared to other applicants and also leadership. I don’t really have any titles or places where I can say I showed leadership. There is also a lot of competition at my school and many people at my school have won big awards and have been president, vice president, etc. I’m so concerned do you think I can get into at least one of them?? I don’t have to because my school is k-12 but I really want to go to one of them.

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