Chances for Purdue?

Hey Boilermakers! I posted to see my chances for Purdue. By the end of senior year, I will have taken 10 AP Classes.

My stats
GPA: 3.94 weighted, 3.52 unweighted

SAT: 1230 (New SAT) 1810 (Old SAT)

Class Rank: 130/520

AP Classes taken: AP World History, AP Physics I, AP US History, AP Lang, AP Computer Science
AP Classes this senior year: AP Physics C, AP Government, AP Literature, AP Psychology, AP Calc BC
Extracurriculars: Interact Club (10, 11), Chamber Orchestra (9,10,11,12) (Highest Orchestra in my school), Green Club (10,11,12) Vice President this year, Ultimate Frisbee Club Treasurer (11), Worked in landscaping (11,12) , Math Honor Society (11,12) , Academic Team (10,11,12), Math and Social Studies Tutor (11,12)

1st Choice Major: FYE

2nd Choice Major: Exploratory Studies

All comments will be greatly appreciated!

Are you in-state or OOS? The Purdue admissions councilor for my area came to my school and told me that it’s generally much easier for Indiana students to get accepted into FYE,

I am OOS.

You will get a better chance if you improve you SAT scores… I will say that you have a chance, but not that much=-=