Chances for QB ED for Emory

<p>I'm very confused if whether i should apply through Questbridge so can you guys tell me what you think my chances are for being matched to Emory ED if it is my top choice</p>

<p>GPA: UW/W: 3.95/4.3
ACT: 29
AP Scores:
world history- 4
us history- 4
language- 4
chemistry- 3</p>

<p>Senior courseload: AP gov/econ, ap bio, ap calc ab, ap lit</p>

<p>EC: Health occupation students of America (Vice president)
key club (president)
beta club (4 year member, 2 year president)
math team(4 years)
NHS(3 years)
Science honor society
latin honor society
Lacrosse manager (2 years)
300+ community service hospital
Fall Leadrship conference
Governor Honors Program State Finalist for Biology
Leadership training for HOSA club
volunteering at local hospital last summer
shadowing doctors
visited emory
income: 25k</p>

<p>Essays and recs: good</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Your test scores are low by Emory standards. That said, your extracurricular activities can make up for it. Because your parents incomes are that low, you fit the QuestBridge Scholars profile. </p>

<p>Good luck! Iā€™m applying to QuestBridge also.</p>

<p>Chance me here: <a href=ā€œQuestbridge Chance Me - Questbridge Programs - College Confidential Forumsā€>Questbridge Chance Me - Questbridge Programs - College Confidential Forums;