chances for RD

<p>I was recently rejected from Stanford EA, and I was wondering about my chances of getting into Northwestern. Please be honest. If I don't have a chance, plz tell me.
I'm also applying to harvard, Duke, Vandy, wash u st. louis, university of florida, and university of michigan. If you could comment on my chances there, that would be great!</p>

<p>I have a 4.00 GPA unweighted and 4.45 weighted.
I'm number 3 in my class of about 500.
SAT Scores 800 Math, 760 Reading, 750 Writing.
SATII Scores 800 Math II, 800 Chem, 790 Bio.
ACT: 36 Math, 36 Science, 33 Writing w/ 7 on the essay, 35 Reading (35 composite)</p>

<p>My curriculum is pretty hard I guess.
APs So Far
Calculus AB 5
World History 5
Human Geo 5
Calculus BC 5
US History 5
AP English Language 5
AP Chem 5
AP Bio 5
AP Physics B 5
AP Psychology 5
AP French level 4, got 1 on exam (bummer, i was aiming for a 2 )
Senior Year:
AP Stat
AP Econ
AP Government
AP European History
AP Physics C
AP English Literature
AP French 5
(I got National AP Scholar and Siemen's Award for AP)</p>

I run Track and Cross Country, but I didn't win any awards.
I'm president of National Honor Society.
I have over 500 hours of community service total.
I'm in clubs like mathlete and quizbowl.
I play A LOT of Ultimate Frisbee. I'm co-captain of the school's ultimate club.</p>

<p>My essays are probably abysmal (i m not a very good writer, enough to get a 5 on the English AP exam, but thats about it...really thats probably my only writing highlight of my life) and my Extra Curriculars aren't at all amazing.
btw, I m asian, so that counts against me right???</p>

<p>Harvard is a crap shoot for anyone lol.</p>

<p>Academically, I’d say you have a very good shot at being admitted to Northwestern RD. However, your essays will need to be good to ensure that. Northwestern looks at everything, essays can make or break you. Work on those essays and you’ll have an excellent chance!</p>

<p>i would say you’re chance to be admitted is 85%. im actually really surprised stanford rejected you but dont be sad, life goes on. </p>

<p>btw you seem to be very talented in math, so make sure to check out the MMSS program at NU. </p>

<p>good luck</p>

bank, he applied to Stanford.
Honestly, I’d be SHOCKED if you didn’t get into Northwestern.</p>

<p>^^ I know, I’m probably being uber pessimistic… Our number 3 last year was rejected EA to Stanford and didn’t get into to NU… Which is why I was so unsure of my chances. :/</p>

<p>But their essays were rushed and boring.</p>

<p>Academically, I would be extremely surprised if NU didn’t accept you. Honestly, your scores and rank are incredibly strong. I just tried to emphasize the importance of the essay, sorry if it came off that I didn’t think you had a good shot… Not my intention lol.</p>

<p>But yes, Harvard is nearly impossible to chance. Go to the board and they’ll say the same thing, unfortunately it’s so hard to tell what they look for. :(</p>

<p>I’d say in at all your other choices, Duke will probably be similar to NU, they’re big on numbers but will put weight on the essay. I’m sorry about Stanford, I’ve heard it was a big slaughter this year…</p>

<p>dude i think u r almost in man.
as a fan of iron maiden myself, i’d say u have 90+% of getting in NW.
stanford is just werd i guess. rejects all those 2400s and 4s and 5s</p>

<p>“Please be honest. If I don’t have a chance, plz tell me.”</p>

<p>Okay, be honest with US - you’re fishing for compliments, right? I am a bit surprised that Stanford rejected you, but it certainly wasn’t because you weren’t qualified. It’s just a numbers game; no “most competitive” school could possibly admit everyone who is hypothetically qualified. That being said, how could you possibly “not have a chance” at NU? Of course you do, and you know it! You are a very strong candidate anywhere.
Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>the only way you don’t have a shot is if you’re essays were so bad that they were the reason you didn’t get into stanford and NU doesn’t like them either…judging by all the classes you’ve been successful in I don’t that is case…made stanford wanted to make an example out of you by saying no just to say what kinda people they reject</p>

<p>I am not surprised he got rejected by Stanford. Honestly, the OP is one of the very typical Stanford rejects–nearly perfect stats but relatively mediocre ECs. My prediction is he’s gonna get rejected by Harvard (almost surely unless he has a stunning essay). For NU, Duke, WashU, he has a very good chance however. For people with stats like his, the difference between NU/Duke/WashU and Harvard/Stanford admission is primarily whether the applicant shows passion/great achievement in his ECs. I wouldn’t call it a shocker though if NU rejects him. Last year, a girl with great stats, better ECs, AND legacy was rejected, according to her mom, a NU alum, that posted here. On paper, she had a better chance than OP.</p>

<p>I felt really bad when I got rejected, and sorta lost confidence in my chances.</p>

<p>yeah, I feel you man.</p>

<p>seeing the rejects this year just makes me feel so inadequate.</p>

<p>Obi: If you’d like to send your essays to a Northwestern student for a second pair of eyes, I was recently admitted under ED and would be glad to read them.</p>

<p>Overall you seem to be a very competitive candidate. :slight_smile:
However, Northwestern puts a lot of weight on the essays. If you aren’t satisfied with what you’ve written try revising it. Talk to your english teacher and see what he or she has to say. Hope this helps!</p>

<p>ok. u have 11 APs ALREADY, and a 4.0 gpa. and you’re ranked THIRD in your class?</p>

<li>i dont even wanna know how insane those other students are.</li>
<li>you have a really good chance.</li>

<p>quite simply, you have a great chance.</p>