chances for Rochester

<p>here are my stats
Im a junior at a nondescript public high school in Arizona
Im a white male
I got a 183 on the PSAT
28 on the ACT
Im planning on taking the sat in may and improving on my act
Im also going to take the Math II subject test and I think ill do well in that since math is my best subject</p>

<p>Im looking at majoring in either math or engineering</p>

<p>By the time I graduate, I will have
About a 3.85 wieghted gpa
Taken 6APs and 3 honors courses
Completed calculus 3 at the local university
Captain of the tennis team 3yrs
NHS 2 yrs
2nd place in the regional chess tournament 4 times in a row(hopefully I can win at least once)</p>

<p>what are my chances at the university of Rochester or any other good schools you can think of</p>

<p>stop flooding CC with chance threads you have so many</p>

<p>what i mean is you don’t need to make the same thread over and over again to get chanced</p>

<p>i think i would know better, ive been on here much more than you. just bump your post and copy and past the thread link in others chance threads after you chance them. People return the favor. When people realize uve got 10 of the same exact thing, it sorta turns them off.</p>

<p>SAT scores are kinda low. Get them to about 2000-2100 and you’re in.</p>

<p>how do you bump post and copy the tread link</p>

<p>I would say its a low reach to a match</p>

<p>definitely do math2 it is easier than math 1 and with a little practice you’ll fly through it</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>72 views and only 2 real answers cmon ppl
bump 10char</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance.</p>

<p>Looking at the average scores of the University of Rochester, I see it says that 45% of the people have an ACT score over 30. If you have time to do this, I would STRONGLY recommend that you retake to get 30+ on your ACT.</p>

<p>However, this still means 55% have bellow a 30, which still means you have quite a good chance. For your essays, I’d concentrate on Chess since you seem to like it.</p>

<p>Overall, I’d say you definitely have a >60% chance of acceptance.</p>