<p>ok i think im going to be applying early to wharton (Upenn), and i want an actual idea if i have a shot... i'm also looking at WashU, Cornell, UVa, UMich, Emory, and Duke. I'm interested in business/economics </p>
<p>white male, upper middle class, NJ, very solid school district</p>
rank: 3/345
GPA (weighted): 4.33 (total of 4 B's through junior year, all weighted classes)
SAT I: Math 800, CR 700, Writing 800 = 1500/2300
SATII: Math2 800, US Hist 560 (obviously bad, but will be taking physics in october and should be around 700)</p>
Little League Umpire 4 years
Intern with Hotel management last summer
Working at an asset management (investment) company this summer</p>
1. President, VP of Communications (2 yrs), VP of Community Service, Senior Chair for local BBYO chapter
2. Pres, VP foreign affairs club
3. Secretary Darfur club
4. Town's strategic planning committee (restructured honors program for district)- decently important
5. JV tennis 3 years</p>
Sheriff's community service award for volunteering with underprivileged children...spent maybe 60 hours working with these kids the past 3 yrs...also participated in NYC Darfur rally, breast cancer walk in NYC, relay for life
also spent 2 weeks last summer doing community service in Wisconsin (30 hours)</p>
<p>i should have pretty good recommendations (one from superintendent of my school district), and also pretty solid essays</p>
<p>thanks in advance guys...</p>