Chances for Rose-Hulman, Notre Dame?

<p>If anyone can give input I'd really appreciate it! So anxious about hearing from these schools since they're my top choices, haha. </p>

<p>I'm a girl, class of 2014, Caucasian.</p>

<p>SAT Math: 680
SAT Critical Reading: 670
SAT Writing: 670
GPA (unweighted, out of 4.00): 4.00</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: Team captain of two EC activities, 2 years for one & 3 for the other; pianist for 11 yrs total, including all 4 yrs of high school; National Honors Society this year (no elections held yet); consistent weekly youth group attendee for all 3 yrs of high school so far</p>

<p>Work: Started my own catering business freshman year & still run it; babysitter/nanny as needed</p>

<p>Volunteer hours: >400</p>

<p>Taking 2-4 college classes for dual credit this school year as well, and most of my high school classes have been & will be honors classes (school doesn't weight GPA & no AP classes offered).</p>

<p>I'm also a pretty good essay writer, but who knows what admissions officers will think. </p>

<p>Thanks all :)</p>

<p>I don’t know much about Rose-Hulman, other than it is an excellent engineering school. D will be attending ND, and based on our experience and the data the school provides, your test scores appear too low. My advice would be to retake the SAT in October, and really try to prep for it. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks ejcclc for your advice & input! I’m planning on taking the SAT again in October - hoping I can outdo myself :slight_smile: Thanks, and congrats to D on getting in to ND!</p>