<p>I am a current freshman applying for regular admission to the BBA program.</p>
<p>High School:
UM GPA: 4.0
Class rank: 4/400
AP Scholar (6 exams: 5,5,5,5,4,4)
NHS, Wind Sympony, Pit Orchestra, Marching Band, Handbell Choir, Jazz Band, other miscellaneous ensembles, 120 hours of community service
( I don't now how much high school **** matters but I figured I'd put it on here anyway)</p>
<p>1st semester schedule
Estimated grades
Geosci 147: A
Math 115: B+/A-
English 125: A
Spanish 276: B+</p>
<p>I think my GPA will be like a 3.5/3.6 hopefully to be improved upon next semester.</p>
<p>2nd Semester
Stats 350
Math 116
Econ 101
Musicol 122</p>
Michigan Economics Society (active membership)
Michigan Marching Band
Relay for Life
UMS Internship</p>
<p>with all As this semester I would say you are in…
make sure you do really well in econ, because that is a business course. the b+ in spanish will probably not hurt you because it is not related to your intended major.</p>
<p>I’m not very good with the whole chancing part of the admissions.
But i know quite alot about the logistics of courses you need to take and whatnot.
And if I’m not mistaken, aren’t the core requirements that you complete math 115 (which you did), econ 101 (which you are about to), and a first year writing course (which i don’t see on your transcript and i know can’t be exempt with AP credit). </p>
<p>Just a heads up. Be prepared for the difficulties of Calc II(Math 116) at Michigan. Many of my friends who are in engineering at got 4’s on the AP BC Calc test had to retake Calc II at Michigan and claim it is one of the hardest, if not the hardest class they’ve ever taken. And we had some pretty darn hard classes in high school. </p>
<p>Not to scare you or anything, but be prepared to work in that class. However, if you are able to get a good grade in the class, admissions counselors for Ross will be very impressed. Good luck!</p>
<p>Just keep that GPA above a 3.4, get the essays read by other people ( this helped me get around alot of flaws), and mantain those activities. That ugly red/orange building awaits you.</p>
<p>Razzmatazz, I don’t think a 3.4 GPA will cut it. Last year, roughly 900 Michigan students applied and only 300 were admitted. The mid 80%ile had GPAs of 3.3-3.9 while at Michigan, with the average GPA being 3.65. With a 33% acceptance rate and an average GPA of 3.65 while at the University of Michigan, I should was a 3.4 student would not have such a good chance of getting into Ross regular decision. </p>
<p>Bagochips, do your best in the Winter term. As it stands, you are fine, but try to raise your second trimester GPA to 3.7 and definitely nail that Econ class. Also, bust your behind to secure an A- in Math 115.</p>
<p>The thing to keep in mind is that students who struggle with Math 115 will struggle with Math 116. 116 is considered one of the trickier intro level courses at Michigan.</p>
<p>Sorry to double post, but on the website it says that the GPA average for 2008 was 3.6 something and the middle 80% was 3.3-3.8. Does this mean all that applied or those that were admitted?</p>