<p>Im fairly certain I will get into UMD college park, however my parents are worried about scholarships. I am a twin, and my twin applied to UMD aswell so they know we are twins, so schoalrships would help alot. I am instate and I have a 4.0 WGPA and my semester 1 GPA was around a 4.2. I am in a scholars program in my highschool, so although my school does not rank i am high up there. I have taken a minimum of 16 honors/ AP classes (4+ a year) I am a black female and i have enough extra activities such as ROTC which i hope help me stick out a bit. My ACT scores were low at a 26. What are my chances for an honors program and scholarships?</p>
<p>idk, not to be negative, but i wouldnt say your 100% with colleges looking at tests scores heavily, yours is a little low. Same with scholarships, i think your 26 is too low for a scholarship</p>
<p>who is the better twin? just wonderingg…</p>
<p>University Honors: </p>
<p>The 3,127 students admitted to the University Honors program had an average (weighted) GPA of 4.25 and the middle 50% scored between 1340-1470 on the SAT and between 30-33 on the ACT. </p>
<p>College Park Scholars:</p>
<p>The 2,690 students admitted to the College Park Scholars Program had an average (weighted) GPA of 4.0 and the middle 50% scored between 1260-1370 on the SAT and between 28-31 on the ACT.</p>
<p>Just take a glance at these statistics. You can come to your own conclusion after reading them.</p>
<p>Our DS was OOS, his SAT was 1390, with a 4.17 GPA(W), his ACT was 33 and he was offered Scholars. I agree with Knight, you will probably be in, but I don’t see merit scholarship money, if any it would be @2K, especially since you’re IS. I also would say that I don’t see scholars, gemstone or honors unless it is for something like ART. You never want to be below their 50% parameters and for gpa and ACT you currently are. </p>
<p>How many AP’s have you taken? UMD does validate many APs with a score of 4 or higher, few with only a 3.</p>
<p>Are you applying for a ROTC scholarship, because if you are awarded a four yr, you would be free anyway, since UMD tuition fits in their parameters for cost.</p>
<p>can you get a scholarship if you are accepted to the scholars program?</p>
<p>or are scholarships reserved for honors/gemstones students?</p>
<p>knight, i am in or above in both categories for honors but i got into scholars. do you think is it because i said in my essays that i didnt want to do research?</p>
<p>YES. If you say no to research and no to group projects, your app is automatically thrown out of Gemstone…it is mandatory.</p>
<p>Scholars students do get meirt scholarships also. Typically the BK people are in the honors.</p>
<p>what are BK people?</p>
<p>Banneker Key</p>
<p>[Banneker/Key</a> FAQs](<a href=“http://www.financialaid.umd.edu/Scholarships/bannekerfaqs.html]Banneker/Key”>http://www.financialaid.umd.edu/Scholarships/bannekerfaqs.html)</p>
<p>Does anyone know how many full ride B/K scholarships are given out?</p>
<p>Nope, I recall a couple of them were given out to people on this site. The one I do recall was trying to decide between UMD and Duke (in the end he took UMD), thus I would say use that as a judging plaform.</p>
<p>Most of the other people got the 8K</p>
<p>My son received his merit scholarship letter on March 12 last year, to give you a possible timeline.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info. I thought I saw someone here say that their child had gotten the least amount of merit aid from UMD than from any other school, but I guess that might have been last year (or even before that).</p>
<p>It was probably me talking about our DS. He did receive the least amt, he is a frshman in Scholars. Got Presidents scholarship for 8 total, compared to 88K from U Miami Florida.</p>
<p>are university honors and college park scholars the only students who recieve merit-based scholarships?</p>
<p>I’m totally confused.</p>
<p>D was admitted to honors. I understand that scholarship decisions are forthcoming.</p>
<p>Does everyone admitted to honors get some money? What’s this about wanting or not wanting to do research?</p>
<p>Did we miss out on Gemstone, and what is that exactly? How does it differ from honors?</p>
<p>Sorry to be so clueless, but the web site didn’t straighten me out as I hoped it would.</p>
<p>My D was accepted to honors as well but not Gemstone. I went back to review her online application because people advised if she elected/selected to not want to work in groups that she would not be offered Gemstone. On every page in Part I and Part II of the application there was no such question. Was it possibly a major specific question on the groups? She is a Psych major. Thanks!</p>
<p>It was part of the essay questions (under “Niche”).</p>
<p>I got accepted into Gemstone but I didn’t answer “yes” to that specific niche question. I think I answered “No” but explained how I still wanted to do research, just not the specific kind mentioned in the question…</p>